When Sort by date List titleSort by title Type Sort by type Description Actions
16/07/2024 08:55:22GRA 6226 Finansiell rapportering, basisList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
04/07/2024 06:00:08MAN 5009 Arbeidsrett og arbeidslivList published1 item added, 1 item removed
30/06/2024 09:19:42GRA 2272 Language Processing as Organizational CognitionList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
28/06/2024 13:10:30BIN 3080 Lederutdanning for pedagogiske ledere i barnehagerList published2 items added, 10 items removed, 5 sections removed
28/06/2024 09:23:17JUR 3420 ForretningsjusList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
27/06/2024 07:35:17The lecturer recommendsList published4 items added
25/06/2024 13:13:44EDI 3530 Digital InnovationList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
25/06/2024 12:31:59BIK 2951 Strategi i praksisList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
25/06/2024 07:22:43EXC XX34 Business Communication - Culture and EthicsList published26 items added, 2 sections added
25/06/2024 06:28:43The lecturer recommendsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
25/06/2024 06:25:30The lecturer recommendsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
24/06/2024 13:02:48BIN 3164 Lederskap og omstilling i skolenList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
24/06/2024 11:15:48SØK 9420 Samfunnsøkonomi IList published1 item added, 2 sections added
24/06/2024 08:27:13BØK 9430 Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi og finans List published1 item added, 2 sections added
24/06/2024 08:17:39ORG 9403 Organisasjonsatferd og ledelseList published6 items added, 2 sections added
24/06/2024 06:41:43EMS 3521 Eiendomsjus IList published1 item added, 1 item removed
20/06/2024 11:44:23The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added
20/06/2024 11:42:14The lecturer recommendsList published1 item removed
20/06/2024 11:28:02The lecturer recommendsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
20/06/2024 11:26:54The lecturer recommendsList published4 items added
20/06/2024 11:20:56The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added
20/06/2024 11:20:00The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added, 1 item removed
20/06/2024 11:17:46The lecturer recommendsList published3 items added
20/06/2024 11:14:57The lecturer recommendsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
20/06/2024 11:14:23The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added
20/06/2024 11:13:24The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added
20/06/2024 11:12:06The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added
20/06/2024 11:10:45The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added, 1 section added
20/06/2024 11:07:50The lecturer recommendsList published2 items added
20/06/2024 11:01:14The lecturer recommendsList published3 items added
20/06/2024 10:58:10The lecturer recommendsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
20/06/2024 10:57:41The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added
20/06/2024 10:51:24The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added, 1 section added
20/06/2024 10:48:22The lecturer recommendsList published8 items added
20/06/2024 09:32:56The lecturer recommendsList published3 items added
20/06/2024 09:22:08The lecturer recommendsList published1 item added, 1 section added
20/06/2024 07:21:37ELE 3743 Personlig økonomiList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
19/06/2024 10:35:47BST 1703 Logistikkledelse - Supply Chain ManagementList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
19/06/2024 10:30:20MRK 3580 Markedsføringsledelse og strategiList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
19/06/2024 08:49:27BMP 2500 Retorikk, kommunikasjon og ledelseList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/06/2024 12:09:14ORG 3650 People insightsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/06/2024 07:52:44EMS 3416 Jus og eiendomsmeglingList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/06/2024 07:47:36KLS 3644 Jus for kreativ næringList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/06/2024 07:44:58EMS 3521 Eiendomsjus IList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/06/2024 07:44:09EMS 3623 Eiendomsmegling IIIList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/06/2024 07:43:23EMS 3666 Eiendomsmegling IIList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/06/2024 07:35:20EMS 3642 Eiendomsjus IIIList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/06/2024 07:18:29GRA 6147 Communicating across domainsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
14/06/2024 13:19:25DRE 4018 Current topics in Capital-Markets Research in AccountingList published4 items added
14/06/2024 12:56:48DRE 4018 Current topics in Capital-Markets Research in AccountingList published3 items added
14/06/2024 09:19:44GRA 6226 Finansiell rapportering, basisList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
14/06/2024 07:24:04MAN 3038-3039 InternprisingList published59 items removed, 1 section removed
13/06/2024 09:20:54MAN 5027 ProsjektledelseList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
12/06/2024 11:48:03MAN 5027 ProsjektledelseList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
12/06/2024 10:40:13BØK 3423 FinansList published1 item added, 1 item removed
11/06/2024 10:03:28GRA 6626 Decisions, Strategy and InformationList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
11/06/2024 09:09:50GRA 6141 Research Methodology for Communication and DigitalizationList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
11/06/2024 08:49:20GRA 6025 Financial ManagementList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
11/06/2024 08:10:23GRA 4137 Data Protection and Ethics in the Modern Business EnvironmentList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
07/06/2024 12:10:23BØK 1121 Finans IList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
31/05/2024 11:23:10MBA 2426 Project and Change ManagementList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
31/05/2024 11:19:39MBA 2426 Project and Change ManagementList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
31/05/2024 07:53:21ORG 3500 GruppepsykologiList published3 items added, 2 items removed
31/05/2024 07:21:49MBA 2426 Project and Change ManagementList published2 items added
30/05/2024 11:57:17MBA 2426 Project and Change ManagementList published2 items added
30/05/2024 11:52:28SMC XX50 Nettbasert lederkurs for ledere i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenesterList published2 items added
30/05/2024 11:49:51MBA 2426 Project and Change ManagementList published2 items added
30/05/2024 08:52:56GRA 6652 Research Methodology - EconomicsList published8 items added, 2 sections added
30/05/2024 06:51:49JUR 3555 BærekraftrettList published2 items removed
29/05/2024 13:10:58LUS 1042 Å navigere i endringList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
29/05/2024 13:04:28BIK 3100 Sirkulær økonomi og konkurransekraftList published1 section added
29/05/2024 13:03:52BIK 3100 Sirkulær økonomi og konkurransekraftList published1 section added
29/05/2024 13:02:46BIK 3100 Sirkulær økonomi og konkurransekraftList published1 item added, 1 item removed
29/05/2024 07:08:54JUR 3555 BærekraftrettList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
28/05/2024 10:13:26BIK 2433 Effektiv og bærekraftig prosjektpraksisList published2 sections added
28/05/2024 09:30:20LUS XX30 Geopolitisk risikohåndteringList published1 item added
28/05/2024 09:16:28LUS XX30 Geopolitisk risikohåndteringList published17 items added, 2 sections added
28/05/2024 09:01:30EBA 3501 Foundations of Data ScienceList published2 sections added
28/05/2024 08:48:15GRA 6849 Sustainable Strategy and Circular EconomyList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
28/05/2024 08:08:04JUR 3550 Alminnelig forvaltningsrettList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
27/05/2024 13:40:57BIK 3100 Sirkulær økonomi og konkurransekraftList published7 items added
27/05/2024 12:53:41JUR 3641 ForetaksrettList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
27/05/2024 10:13:38BØK 1121 Finans IList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
24/05/2024 14:53:38Sissel's testlisteList published1 item added
23/05/2024 12:59:41GRA 2411 Strategic ManagementList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
22/05/2024 07:53:09Kunstig intelligens - UtstillingList published6 items added
22/05/2024 07:39:12Kunstig intelligens - UtstillingList published7 items added
21/05/2024 13:35:17GRA 2411 Strategic ManagementList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
21/05/2024 13:31:48GRA 2411 Strategic ManagementList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
21/05/2024 13:11:21DIG 3503 Kommunikasjon i sanntidList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
21/05/2024 12:40:35ELE 3902 Multisensory experiencesList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
13/05/2024 08:47:18GRA 6566 ESG and Sustainability Disclosure, Reporting and RegulationList published1 item added
10/05/2024 11:29:43DRE 4031 Advanced Topics in Asset PricingList published24 items added, 9 sections added
10/05/2024 07:38:05DRE 4031List published2 sections added
06/05/2024 13:16:00Kunstig intelligens - UtstillingList published26 items added
03/05/2024 09:12:15GRA 6853 Doing Business in and with ChinaList published1 item added
02/05/2024 12:31:55DIG 3503 Kommunikasjon i sanntidList published1 item added
02/05/2024 09:18:07MRK 3561 Marketing AnalyticsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
02/05/2024 08:47:44JUR 3420 ForretningsjusList published1 item added, 1 item removed
29/04/2024 12:11:21GRA 2270 Work Design in the Digital AgeList published38 items added, 6 sections added