18/02/2025 08:19:01 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | 4 items removed |
18/02/2025 08:16:32 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | 1 item added |
17/02/2025 14:54:34 | DRE 7053 Generative Models | List published | 1 item added |
17/02/2025 13:10:41 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
17/02/2025 13:09:35 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | 1 item added |
17/02/2025 12:54:36 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | 1 item removed |
17/02/2025 12:34:55 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | 14 items added, 1 item removed |
14/02/2025 13:55:36 | MBA 2435 Strategic Insight from Machine Learning | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
14/02/2025 13:54:38 | MBA 2435 Strategic Insight from Machine Learning | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
13/02/2025 09:35:46 | BIK 2479 Bærekraft i kreditt og utlån for bedriftsrådgivere | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/02/2025 11:08:11 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | 2 items added, 1 item removed |
07/02/2025 13:30:28 | BIK 2930 Arbeidsrett: Lover og reguleringer | List published | 1 item removed |
07/02/2025 10:55:50 | MAN 5200 Utdanningsledelse og strategisk utvikling | List published | 1 item removed, 4 sections removed |
07/02/2025 10:54:05 | MAN 5200 Utdanningsledelse og strategisk utvikling | List published | 1 section added |
07/02/2025 10:48:24 | MAN 5200 Utdanningsledelse og strategisk utvikling | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
07/02/2025 08:46:17 | MAN 5200 Utdanningsledelse og strategisk utvikling | List published | 6 sections added |
06/02/2025 11:09:14 | ORG 3641 Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
05/02/2025 17:00:05 | LUS 1049 Leading Through the Energy Transition: Coopetition and Value Co-Creation | List published | 8 items added, 2 sections added |
05/02/2025 11:44:11 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | 1 item removed |
04/02/2025 18:35:15 | BST 9502 Økonomistyring og investeringsanalyse | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
04/02/2025 12:39:05 | LUS 1032 Digital økonomi og forretningsmodeller | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
04/02/2025 11:59:17 | LUS 1033 Ledelse av digital transformasjon | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
04/02/2025 11:57:29 | LUS 1032 Digital økonomi og forretningsmodeller | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
03/02/2025 11:56:07 | MAN 5125 Kulturforståelse, forhandlinger og etisk refleksjon | List published | 3 items added |
03/02/2025 10:41:19 | GRA 2231 Occupational Health Psychology | List published | 5 items added, 33 items removed, 8 sections added, 5 sections removed |
01/02/2025 09:48:03 | BST 9502 Økonomistyring og investeringsanalyse | List published | 2 items added, 2 items removed |
31/01/2025 14:28:37 | MAN 5200 Utdanningsledelse og strategisk utvikling | List published | 27 items added, 9 sections added |
31/01/2025 09:17:12 | MAN 5069 Samspill og ledelse; anvendt organisasjonspsykologi | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
31/01/2025 08:38:57 | MAN 5027 Prosjektledelse | List published | 1 item removed |
30/01/2025 16:56:42 | ELE 3906 Applied storytelling | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
30/01/2025 14:40:55 | EXC 3632 Corporate Governance | List published | 1 item added |
30/01/2025 11:44:24 | EXC 3603 International Economics | List published | 1 item added |
29/01/2025 22:08:32 | SØK 3420 Samfunnsøkonomi I | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
29/01/2025 13:10:33 | MAN 5160 Markedsstrategi | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
24/01/2025 12:23:49 | GRA 8326 Leadership Dvelopment (2025/2026) | List published | 3 items added, 3 items removed |
24/01/2025 11:48:45 | GRA 6842 Mastering Negotiation - SUMMER COURSE | List published | 15 items added, 27 items removed, 1 section added, 1 section removed |
23/01/2025 15:24:41 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 2 items added, 2 items removed |
23/01/2025 15:21:47 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 5 items added, 6 items removed |
23/01/2025 14:53:51 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 4 items added, 5 items removed |
23/01/2025 10:37:44 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 1 item added |
23/01/2025 10:14:23 | GRA 6722 Research-Based Consulting in Supply Chains | List published | 10 items added, 1 section added |
23/01/2025 10:13:40 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 7 items added, 6 items removed |
22/01/2025 21:01:21 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 6 items added, 15 items removed |
22/01/2025 20:40:59 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 1 item added, 3 items removed |
22/01/2025 12:09:04 | GRA 8320 Human Resource Management | List published | 10 items added, 2 sections added |
22/01/2025 09:14:25 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 2 items added |
22/01/2025 09:06:10 | GRA 2411 Strategic Management | List published | 5 items added |
22/01/2025 08:32:27 | GRA 8326 Leadership Dvelopment (2025/2026) | List published | 1 item removed |
22/01/2025 07:45:08 | GRA 8326 Leadership Dvelopment (2025/2026) | List published | 5 items added |
21/01/2025 11:37:44 | GRA xxx1 Leadership Dvelopment (2025/2026) | List published | 22 items added, 13 sections added |
21/01/2025 09:09:26 | MAN 5200 Utdanningsledelse og strategisk utvikling | List published | 1 item added, 1 section added |
20/01/2025 14:31:15 | ELE 3745 Ledertrening, personlig utvikling og coaching | List published | 1 item removed |
20/01/2025 11:00:24 | ELE 3786 Rettsøkonomi | List published | 1 item removed |
20/01/2025 10:57:23 | ELE 3786 Rettsøkonomi | List published | 1 item added |
20/01/2025 10:19:55 | ELE 3786 Rettsøkonomi | List published | 1 item removed |
20/01/2025 10:15:05 | ELE 3786 Rettsøkonomi | List published | 1 item added |
20/01/2025 09:37:32 | GRA 3165 The Crowd, The Cloud, and Sustainable Innovation | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
20/01/2025 09:33:47 | GRA 3165 The Crowd, The Cloud, and Sustainable Innovation | List published | 1 item added |
17/01/2025 11:48:18 | MRK 3550 Cross Cultural Management | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
15/01/2025 14:14:05 | ELE 3745 Ledertrening, personlig utvikling og coaching | List published | 1 item removed |
14/01/2025 14:56:57 | MAN 5018 Teamledelse | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/01/2025 14:56:24 | MAN 5018 Teamledelse | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/01/2025 09:16:57 | EXC 3679 Business Continuity and Sustainability Management | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/01/2025 07:07:29 | GRA 6444 B2B Marketing | List published | 7 items added, 2 items removed |
10/01/2025 14:09:13 | Utstilling: Skatteflyktninger | List published | 4 items added |
10/01/2025 13:59:42 | ELE 3745 Ledertrening, personlig utvikling og coaching | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
10/01/2025 13:35:50 | Utstilling: Skatteflyktninger | List published | 11 items added |
10/01/2025 09:46:08 | GRA 6444 B2B Marketing | List published | 2 items added, 1 item removed |
09/01/2025 13:42:37 | MAN 5045 Strategisk kommunikasjon | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
09/01/2025 10:13:39 | MAN 5125 Kulturforståelse, forhandlinger og etisk refleksjon | List published | 1 item added, 1 section added |
08/01/2025 17:59:18 | MAN 5125 Kulturforståelse, forhandlinger og etisk refleksjon | List published | 1 item added |
08/01/2025 17:33:09 | BØK 3629 Regnskapsføring i næring | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
08/01/2025 17:31:37 | BØK 3629 Regnskapsføring i næring | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
08/01/2025 17:29:34 | BØK 3629 Regnskapsføring i næring | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
08/01/2025 17:28:35 | BØK 3629 Regnskapsføring i næring | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
08/01/2025 13:49:29 | GRA 3112 Negotiation and International Networks | List published | 1 item added |
08/01/2025 13:11:02 | BIK 2477 Prestasjonsledelse | List published | 1 item removed |
08/01/2025 13:10:04 | BIK 1401 Forhandling og forhandlingsteknikk | List published | 1 item removed |
08/01/2025 13:09:27 | BIK 2911 Grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi - KONTINUASJONSEKSAMEN | List published | 1 item removed |
08/01/2025 12:55:53 | BIK 2930 Arbeidsrett: Lover og reguleringer | List published | 1 item added |
08/01/2025 12:29:14 | BIK 1401 Forhandling og forhandlingsteknikk | List published | 1 item added |
08/01/2025 12:16:40 | BIK 1401 Forhandling og forhandlingsteknikk | List published | 1 item removed |
08/01/2025 11:56:18 | GRA 6243 Management Control, Performance, and Technology | List published | 1 item removed |
08/01/2025 11:53:33 | BIK 1401 Forhandling og forhandlingsteknikk | List published | 1 item added |
08/01/2025 11:32:43 | BIK 1401 Forhandling og forhandlingsteknikk | List published | 1 item removed |
08/01/2025 11:24:12 | BIK 1401 Forhandling og forhandlingsteknikk | List published | 1 item added |
08/01/2025 11:18:46 | EXC 3580 Marketing management and strategy | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
07/01/2025 10:58:34 | GRA 6243 Management Control, Performance, and Technology | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
07/01/2025 09:17:16 | EXC 3505 Strategy | List published | 1 item added |
07/01/2025 09:08:12 | SMC 1003 Nettbasert lederkurs for ledere i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
07/01/2025 08:35:03 | EMS 3618 Muntlig eksamen for eiendomsmeglerstudiet | List published | 4 items added |
06/01/2025 16:42:36 | GRA 6243 Management Control, Performance, and Technology | List published | 10 items added, 26 items removed, 3 sections added, 2 sections removed |
06/01/2025 14:01:57 | ELE 3906 Applied storytelling | List published | 1 item added |
06/01/2025 14:00:58 | ELE 3906 Applied storytelling | List published | 10 items added, 2 sections added |
06/01/2025 13:46:41 | ELE 3906 Applied storytelling | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
06/01/2025 13:35:04 | ELE 3906 Applied storytelling | List published | 1 item added |
06/01/2025 11:43:37 | GRA 8521 Energy & Society | List published | 23 items added, 2 sections added |
05/01/2025 14:25:04 | EDI 3610 Organizing Digitally | List published | 1 item removed |
03/01/2025 18:13:35 | KLS 3410 Kulturøkonomi | List published | 16 items added, 12 sections added |
03/01/2025 13:48:01 | GRA 6146 Media and Creative Industries Management | List published | 2 items added |