Browse Institution

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
(Big) Data Curation, Pipelines, and Management GRA4157 Course
Accounting, Valuation and Financial Economics GRA4156 Course
Advanced Corporate Finance GRA6541 Course
Advanced Macroeconomics GRA6634 Course
Advanced Macroeconomics I DRE7033 Course
Advanced Macroeconomics II DRE7034 Course
Advanced Microeconomics I DRE7047 Course
Advanced Microeconomics II DRE7048 Course
Advanced Regression and Classification Analysis, Ensemble Methods and Neural Networks GRA4160 Course
Advanced Statistics DRE7008 Course
Advanced Statistics and Alternative Data Types GRA4153 Course
Advanced Topics in Asset Pricing DRE4031 Course
Advanced Topics in Organization Science GRA6026 Course
Advances in Asset Pricing Theory DRE4021 Course
AI and Data Ethics EBA3520 Course
AI for finansnæringen BIK2550 Course
Alminnelig forvaltningsrett JUR3550 Course
Analyses of Financial Data EXC3672 Course
Analytics for Strategic Management MAN5100 Course
Anvendt Makroøkonomi BST1612 Course
Anvendt Mikroøkonomi ELE3787 Course
Anvendt mikroøkonomi ELE3729 Course
Anvendt samfunnsøkonomi SOK3550 Course
Anvendt økonomi for ledere - bærekraft i bedrift og marked MAN5158 Course
Anvendt økonomi for ledere - Globale perspektiver MAN5159 Course
Applied Business Ethics GRA6038 Course
Applied Data Analytics GRA4110 Course
Applied Marketing Analytics MAN5146 Course
Applied Microeconomics GRA6612 Course
Applied Organizational Psychology: The role as practitioner GRA2268 Course
Applied storytelling ELE3906 Course
Applied Valuation GRA6538 Course
Applying Economic Analysis GRA4144 Course
Arbeids- og personaljus ORG3620 Course
Arbeidsrett JUR3565 Course
Arbeidsrett JUR3613 Course
Arbeidsrett II BIK3406 Course
Arbeidsrett: Lover og reguleringer BIK2930 Course
Artificial Intelligence - Technologies and Applications GRA4150 Course
Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms and Society GRA6811 Course
Asian Business Trends Programme: Emerging windows of opportunity for post-COVID Asia MBA2407 Course
Asset Management GRA6555 Course
Asset Pricing Theory I DRE4024 Course
Asset Pricing Theory II DRE4027 Course
Auditing, theory and methodology GRA6219 Course
Avfall som ressurs – nøkkelen til sirkulærøkonomi BIK3118 Course
Avgiftsrett, fordypning GRA6207 Course
Avsluttende oppgave. Executive Master of Management med spesialisering i skatte- og avgiftsrett MAN3072 Course
Avtalerett og kjøpsrett JUR3470 Course
B2B Marketing GRA6444 Course
Bacheloroppgave - Digital kommunikasjon og markedsføring DIG3670 Course
Bacheloroppgave - Entreprenørskap ENT3670 Course
Bacheloroppgave - Markedsføring BTH3630 Course
Bacheloroppgave - Økonomi og administrasjon BTH3620 Course
Bacheloroppgave HØST 2025 ELE3788 Course
Bacheloroppgave i kulturledelse KLS3685 Course
Basic Financial Management EXC2110 Course
Bedriftsmarkedsføring, salg og forhandlinger MRK3502 Course
Bedriftsutvikling for SMB BST9742 Course
Behavioural Finance FIN3617 Course
Better Business for a Better World GRA6447 Course
Blokkjedeteknologi og bedrifters verdiskapning    ELE3920 Course
Brand Management GRA4145 Course
Branding MRK3564 Course
Branding MRK3464 Course
Business Analysis and Valuation GRA6235 Course
Business and Systems Architecture EDI3510 Course
Business Communication - Culture and Ethics EXC3401 Course
Business Communication - Culture and Ethics EXC9401 Course
Business Communication - Negotiations and Presentations EXC3402 Course
Business Continuity and Sustainability Management EXC3679 Course
Business Cycles GRA6639 Course
Business Ethics in Practice GRAXXX4 Course
Business in a Global Context GRA8272 Course
Business Optimisation GRA6227 Course
Business Simulation Analysis GRA4138 Course
Business Simulation and Global Governance MBA2427 Course
Business Strategy MBA2430 Course
Bærekraft i daglig drift BIK3134 Course
Bærekraft i kreditt og utlån for bedriftsrådgivere BIK2479 Course
Bærekraft i praksis MAN5193 Course
Bærekraft og finans LUSXX43 Course
Bærekraft og kommunikasjon LUS1047 Course
Bærekraftig finans BIK3120 Course
Bærekraftig HRM og ledelse BST1410 Course
Bærekraftig markedsføring MRK3512 Course
Bærekraftig prosjektledelse i kreativ næring KLS3554 Course
Bærekraftig risikostyring BIK3115 Course
Bærekraftig utvikling og finans LUS4XX8 Course
Bærekraftrett JUR3555 Course
Bærekraftstrategi og forretningsutvikling LUS1046 Course
Causal Inference with Big Data GRA6845 Course
Causality, Machine learning and Forecasting EBA3530 Course
CFA Research Challenge GRA6562 Course
Change Management GRA2425 Course
Cluster analysis for business ELE3909 Course
Communicating Across Domains GRA6147 Course
Communication in Action: Dialogue and Discourse EDI3410 Course
Competitive Strategies GRA6829 Course
Compliance, Cybersecurity and Accountability GRA6149 Course
Compliance, jus og etikk for forsikringsnæringen FAK2805 Course
Computational Methods GRA6561 Course
Consultancy Project GRA8525 Course
Consultancy Project MBA2449 Course
Consultancy Project GRAXXX8 Course
Consultancy Project for Business Analytics GRA4146 Course
Consultancy Project for Data Science GRA4163 Course
Consulting MAN5106 Course
Consumer Research DRE2007 Course
Contemporary Topics in Organizational Behavior DRE6003 Course
Core Issues in Research Ethics DRE6007 Course
Corporate & Global Strategies GRA6833 Course
Corporate and Financial Risk Management EXC3673 Course
Corporate Branding and Storytelling GRA6143 Course
Corporate Business Analytics MAN5163 Course
Corporate Finance MBA2424 Course
Corporate Finance EXC3671 Course
Corporate Finance GRA6514 Course
Corporate Finance GRA8268 Course
Corporate Finance Theory DRE7009 Course
Corporate Governance EXC3632 Course
Corporate Governance GRA6542 Course
Corporate Valuation GRA6220 Course
Corporate Value Creation, Sustainability and Social Welfare GRA6568 Course
Counselling GRA2237 Course
Creating and Leading Green Organizations GRA8285 Course
Creating and Leading Green Organizations MBA2443 Course
Creating and Leading Green Organizations GRA8250 Course
Creativity and aesthetics in organizations ELE3908 Course
Credit Markets and Financial Crises GRA6546 Course
Crisis Management and Logistics MAN5124 Course
Cross Cultural Management MRK3550 Course
Current Issues in Logistics Operations and SCM GRA6722 Course
Current topics in Capital-Markets Research in Accounting DRE4018 Course
Customer Experience Management BIK2954 Course
Customer Value Analytics GRA6435 Course
Data Analysis with Programming EBA3500 Course
Data Analytics with Programming GRA6036 Course
Data driven management accounting EBA3630 Course
Data Management and Python Programming GRA4142 Course
Data protection and ethics in the modern business environment GRA4137 Course
Databases EBA3420 Course
Decision modelling using spreadsheet EBA3610 Course
Decision Theory and System Dynamics GRA4135 Course
Decison Making & Value Optimization GRA8522 Course
Deep Learning and Explainable AI GRA4162 Course
Derivatives GRA6535 Course
Design av interaktive apper DIG3600 Course
Design Thinking for Digital Development GRA8282 Course
Design Thinking for Digital Development MBA2437 Course
Det verdiskapende styret MAN5212 Course
Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset GRA3161 Course
Digital and Sustainable Business Development GRA6834 Course
Digital Business Analysis EDI3600 Course
Digital Business Law EDI3620 Course
Digital Business Models GRA8301 Course
Digital Business Models GRA8280 Course
Digital Compliance BIK3130 Course
Digital forretningsforståelse BIK2941 Course
Digital innovasjon BIK2949 Course
Digital Innovation EDI3530 Course
Digital Innovation and Society - SUMMER COURSE GRA6850 Course
Digital Innovation Management GRA6144 Course
Digital kommunikasjonsledelse MAN5057 Course
Digital ledelse og strategi BIK3053 Course
Digital makt og avmakt DIG3520 Course
Digital markedsføring BST3210 Course
Digital Marketing EDI3520 Course
Digital research methods DRE1019 Course
Digital sikkerhet for ledere MAN5166 Course
Digital transformasjon og innovasjon DIG3400 Course
Digital Value Creation EDI3430 Course
Digital økonomi og forretningsmodeller LUS1032 Course
Digitale verktøy og finansiell analyse FIN3400 Course
Digitale verktøy og teknologier i markedsføring MRK3430 Course
Digitalisering og teknologi i kreativ næring KLS3501 Course
Digitalisering, innovasjon og forretningsmodeller MAN5024 Course
Distribusjon MRK3521 Course
Distribution and Logistics Service Providers GRA6718 Course
Doing Business in and with China GRA6853 Course
Doing Business in Norway GRA6812 Course
Doing Digital Business GRA6843 Course
Doing qualitative research: Perspectives, traditions and craft DRE1010 Course
Doing Sustainable Business STR3610 Course
Dynamic Marketing Models DRE2012 Course
E-handel DIG3630 Course
Econometrics with Programming GRA6039 Course
Economic Psychology GRA2245 Course
Economic theory GRA6626 Course
Economics 1 EXC3420 Course
Economics 2 EXC3500 Course
Economics for Finance GRA6516 Course
Economics of Auditing GRA6242 Course
Economics of Natural Resources: Focus on Petroleum, Electricity, and Seafood in Norway GRA6671 Course
Effektiv og bærekraftig prosjektpraksis BIK2433 Course
Effektive team - Innflytelse gjennom ledelse BIK2926 Course
Eiendomsmegling I EMS3525 Course
Eiendomsmegling I EMS3528 Course
Eiendomsmegling II EMS3666 Course
Eiendomsmegling III EMS3623 Course
Eiendomsutvikling EMS3670 Course
Empirical Accounting Research DRE3402 Course
Empirical Asset Pricing DRE4011 Course
Empirical Industrial Organization GRA6668 Course
Endringsledelse MAN5006 Course
Endringsledelse team og coaching ORG2800 Course
Endringsledelse i praksis BIK2960 Course
Energy & Society GRA8521 Course
Energy Governance, Law, Policy & Regulations GRA8528 Course
Energy in Green Transition: Markets, Policies and Business Innovation GRA6851 Course
Energy Transition in a Carbon Constrained World GRA8506 Course
Entertainment industries KLS3570 Course
Entrepreneurship & Energy (2023/2024) GRA8524 Course
Entrepreneurship and Green Business Innovations MBA2440 Course
Entrepreneurship and Green Business Innovations GRA8287 Course
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Perspectives DRE3008 Course
Entrepreneurship in action ENT3679 Course
Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley and Beyond MBA2415 Course
Environmental Economics GRA6665 Course
Erstatningsrett og forsikringsrett JUR3425 Course
ESG and Sustainability Disclosure, Reporting and Regulation GRA6566 Course
Ethics and Sustainability in Finance GRA6556 Course
Ethics, governance and responsibility for Auditors GRA6229 Course
Etikk og regulering i AI LUS1052 Course
Etikk, samfunnsansvar og bærekraft ORG3510 Course
EU and EEA Law in Practice 1GRA62MM Course
EU and Latin American Business Trends MBA2408 Course
EU/EØS-rett JUR3545 Course
Excel Programming and Automation ELE3915 Course
Experimental Economics I DRE7042 Course
Experimental Economics II DRE7043 Course
Fast eiendoms rettsforhold JUR3435 Course
Fiansregnskap og regnskapsanalyse BOK3532 Course
Financial Accounting MBA2395 Course
Financial Accounting GRA8222 Course
Financial Accounting and Analysis GRA6239 Course
Financial Accounting Theory GRA6211 Course
Financial bubbles crashes and crises ELE3732 Course
Financial Decision making with Excel FIN3616 Course
Financial Econometrics FIN3618 Course
Financial Investment Analysis FIN3523 Course
Financial Management GRA6025 Course
Financial Markets FIN3522 Course
Financial Markets and Institutions EXC3670 Course
Financial Reporting and Analysis EXC3452 Course
Financial Reporting II GRA6297 Course
Financial Reporting with IFRS GRA6238 Course
Financial Reporting, Advanced GRA6221 Course
Financial Reporting, general issues GRA6226 Course
Financial Risk Management GRA6513 Course
Financial Risk Management for ESG, Sustainability and Climate GRA6571 Course
Financial Risk Management for the Energy Sector LUS1013 Course
Financial Statement Analysis FIN3516 Course
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation GRA6298 Course
Financial technology EBA3600 Course
Financing Entrepreneurial and Corporate Ventures GRA3163 Course
Finans BOK3423 Course
Finans I BOK1121 Course
Finans II BOK1322 Course
Finansiell analyse og verdsettelse ELE3750 Course
Finansiell og politisk risiko i internasjonal handel GRA6284 Course
Finansiell strategi MAN5000 Course
Finansiell styring BOK3632 Course
Finansiering av bedrifter FIN3521 Course
Finansiering, pant og garantier GRA6290 Course
Finansregnskap BOK3647 Course
Finansregnskap ELE3735 Course
Finansregnskap og bokføring BOK3657 Course
Fintech GRA6559 Course
Fintech, muliggjørende teknologier og endring SMC1030 Course
Fintech, muliggjørende teknologier og endring BIK1030 Course
Fixed Income Securities GRA6539 Course
Forbrukeren, kunden og merkevaren LUS1057 Course
Forbrukerinnsikt ELE3901 Course
Forbrukerpsykologi MRK3481 Course
Forecasts & Future of The Energy Sector - Impact on Business & Management GRA8516 Course
Forhandling og forhandlingsteknikk BIK1401 Course
Forhandlinger i praksis BIN2405 Course
Forkurs i grunnleggende bokføring og finansregnskap FORK1008 Course
Forkurs i matematikk FORK2910 Course
Forretningsjus JUR3420 Course
Forretningsmodeller og ESG-Risiko LUSXX44 Course
Forretningsutvikling I ENT3501 Course
Forretningsutvikling og teknologi BST1140 Course
Forsikringsmeglerrollen – liv, pensjon og skade FAK2639 Course
Forsikringsmeglerrollen – marin og energi, reassuranse og rammebetingelser FAK2638 Course
Foundations in Strategy,Entrepreneurship and Innovation DRE3004 Course
Foundations of Data Science EBA3501 Course
Foundations of Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship GRA3151 Course
Foundations of Strategy for Digital Communication GRA6150 Course
Frontiers of Household Finance DRE4022 Course
Fundamentals of Accounting EXC3430 Course
Fundamentals of Quantitative Finance GRA6518 Course
Game Theory GRA6664 Course
Generative Models DRE7053 Course
Geopolitisk risikohåndtering LUS1048 Course
Global Business in Asia: A Focus on China GRA8248 Course
Global Business in Asia: A Focus on China GRA8286 Course
Global Strategic Management GRA6852 Course
Global Strategy & Sustainable Business MAN5153 Course
Global Sustainability Issues and Finance GRA6567 Course
Global Sustainability: Climate, Environment and Poverty ELE3910 Course
Governance of Complex Energy Projects GRA8508 Course
Governance; Risikostyring, compliance og internrevisjon MAN5015 Course
Groups and Teams: Dynamics and Effectiveness GRA2427 Course
Grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi BIK2911 Course
Grunnleggende teknologiforståelse LUS1051 Course
Grunnstudiet - Ferdigheter i helseledelse BMP2410 Course
Gruppepsykologi ORG3500 Course
Grønn Vekst og konkurransekraft MAN5075 Course
Helse, miljø og sikkerhet (HMS) MAN5066 Course
Helseledelse MAN5118 Course
Helseledelse, kvalitet og utvikling BMP2424 Course
Horisont – Topplederprogram i Veidekke LUS1006 Course
Household Finance DRE4025 Course
HR-ledelse ORG3540 Course
Human Resource Management MAN5109 Course
Human Resource Management DRE6002 Course
Human Resource Management GRA2257 Course
Human Resource Management BIK2964 Course
Human Resource Management BMP2303 Course
Human Resource Management GRAXXX5 Course
Human Resource Management MBA2434 Course
Human-Computer Interaction GRA6145 Course
Human-Human Interaction GRA6140 Course
Incentives, Wages and Labor Markets GRA6650 Course
Industrial Economics GRA1305 Course
Inequality and Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Policies: A Tractable Heterogeneous-Agent New Keynesian Approach DRE7052 Course
Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi BOK3430 Course
Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi og finans BOK9430 Course
Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi og finans BIK2414 Course
Innføring i forsikringsjuridiske fag FAK2628 Course
Innføring i kontraktsrett JUR3410 Course
Innføring i mikroøkonomisk analyse for rettsøkonomi FORK1007 Course
Innføring i selskapsrett og skatterett JUR3440 Course
Innovasjon MRK3634 Course
Innovasjon og organisering i helsetjenesten BMP2900 Course
Innovasjonstrener i digital innovasjon BIK2540 Course
Innovation and Entrepreneurship MBA2442 Course
Innovation and Entrepreneurship GRA8243 Course
Innovation Strategy and Technological Change ELE3763 Course
Internasjonal skatterett MAN2920-2921 Course
Internasjonalt entreprenørskap ENT3604 Course
International Business MBA2400 Course
International Business BST2413 Course
International Business Environment EXC3631 Course
International Commercial Law EXC2121 Course
International Corporate Finance GRA6292 Course
International Economics EXC3603 Course
International Entrepreneurship GRA3115 Course
International Finance GRA6552 Course
International Finance DRE4023 Course
International Finance EXC3611 Course
International Financial Management FIN3524 Course
International Macroeconomics and Trade GRA6672 Course
International Maritime Law NSA2511 Course
International Marketing EXC3602 Course
Internprising MAN3038-3039 Course
Internrevisjon GRA6230 Course
Internship ELE3637 Course
Internship for Business Analytics GRA4147 Course
Internship for Master i forretningsjus og økonomi GRA6287 Course
Internship i egen oppstartsbedrift ELE3667 Course
Interorganizational Relationships DRE2009 Course
Interorganizational Strategies GRA6832 Course
Intra/Entrepreneurship and New Wealth Creation MBA2446 Course
Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics DRE7030 Course
Introduction to Econometric Theory ELE3916 Course
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour FORK1013 Course
Introduction to quantitative finance ELE3911 Course
Introduction to Stocastic Processes ELE3917 Course
Introductory Data Science GRA6445 Course
Introductory Multivariate Data Analysis GRA2265 Course
Introduksjon til digital transformasjon for finansnæringen LUS1030 Course
Introduksjon til entreprenørskap ENT3400 Course
Investment Analysis EXC3612 Course
Investments GRA6534 Course
Judgment and Decision Making in Organizations GRA2204 Course
Juridisk metode JUR3400 Course
Juridisk metode og EØS-rett JUR3480 Course
Juridisk metode og kontraktsrett JUR3516 Course
Juridisk metode og rettsøkonomi GRA6281 Course
Juridisk metode, internasjonalisering og etikk 1GRA62LL Course
Jus for eiendomsmeglere I EMS3521 Course
Jus for eiendomsmeglere II EMS3524 Course
Jus for eiendomsmeglere III EMS3642 Course
Jus for kreative næringer KLS3644 Course
Jus for revisorer GRA6209 Course
Jus II JUR3517 Course
Jus III JUR3608 Course
Jus og eiendomsmegling EMS3416 Course
Juss for ledere MAN5186 Course
Kapitalmarkedsfinansiering GRA6285 Course
Kommersielle kontrakter 1GRA62PP Course
Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner ORG3641 Course
Kommunikasjon i sanntid DIG3500 Course
Kommunikasjon i sanntid DIG3503 Course
Kommunikasjon og digitalisering DIG3423 Course
Konkurranseøkonomi og konkurranseloven ELE3785 Course
Kontraktsrett GRA6295 Course
Kreativ næring i reiseliv og stedsutvikling KLS3510 Course
Kreativ næring og livebransjene KLS3401 Course
Kritisk analyse og effektiv skriving ELE3918 Course
Kulturforståelse, forhandlinger og etisk refleksjon MAN5125 Course
Kulturøkonomi KLS3410 Course
Kunden og merkevaren LUS1018 Course
Kunst og designbransjene KLS3561 Course
Labour Law and Labour Economics GRA6294 Course
Language Processing as Organizational Cognition GRA2272 Course
Leadership GRAXXX1 Course
Leadership analytics of the energy sector for the future GRA8515 Course
Leadership Development MBA2399 Course
Leadership in Action - avsluttende Bachelorprogram i ledelse ORG2000 Course
Leading and Organizing Digitally MBA2441 Course
Leading and Organizing Digitally GRA8256 Course
Leading and Organizing Digitally GRA8283 Course
Leading in Digitized Workplaces MAN5147 Course
Leading In Organizations Using Intelligent Decision Support Systems GRA2269 Course
Lecture series on Oil Markets and the Macro Economy DRE7011 Course
Ledelse av digital transformasjon LUS1033 Course
Ledelse av læring og endring I MAN5206 Course
Ledelse av læring og endring II MAN5240 Course
Ledelse av tjenesteutvikling MAN5203 Course
Ledelse av utvikling og endringsarbeid MAN5180 Course
Ledelse i teori og praksis BIK2945 Course
Ledelse og digitalisering MAN5177 Course
Ledelse og innflytelse ORG3610 Course
Ledelse og lederutvikling LUS1023 Course
Ledelse og verdivurdering i oppstartsbedrifter ENT3610 Course
Ledelse under konstant endring BIK2958 Course
Ledelse; makt og mening MAN5021 Course
Lederkurs for allmennleger SMC1001 Course
Lederkurs for tannleger i offentlig og privat sektor SMC1002 Course
Lederskap i komplekse og uforutsigbare kontekster MAN5211 Course
Lederskap og omstilling i skolen MAN5148 Course
Lederskap og omstilling i skolen BIN3164 Course
Ledertrening personlig utvikling og coaching ELE3745 Course
Lederutdanning for pedagogiske ledere i barnehager BIN3080 Course
Legal Tech GRA6288 Course
Logistikk MAD1214 Course
Logistikk og Markedsføring BIK2902 Course
Logistikkledelse - Supply Chain Management BST1703 Course
Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling DRE7049 Course
Low Code Software Development EDI3500 Course
Luxury Brand Management MBA2438 Course
Machine Learning GRA8273 Course
Machine learning for business using R ELE3912 Course
Macroeconomic Policy GRA6631 Course
Macroeconomics EXC3525 Course
Makroøkonomi for økonomer SOK3525 Course
Makroøkonomi I SOK1201 Course
Makroøkonomi II SOK1366 Course
MAN 5183 Ledelse av profesjonsfellesskap og læreplanarbeid MAN5183 Course
MAN xx10 Bærekraftsrett – klassifisering, rapportering og handling MAN5210 Course
Management Accounting GRAXXX6 Course
Management Control GRA6232 Course
Management Control, Performance, and Technology GRA6243 Course
Managerial Economics GRAXXX3 Course
Managerial Economics and Decision Making MBA2436 Course
Managing for Excellence - Generative Practices GRA2261 Course
Managing International Operations EXC3630 Course
Managing Knowledge Work Creativity and Innovation GRA2207 Course
Managing Strategic Processes GRA6831 Course
Managing Workplace Diversity GRA2246 Course
Marine Insurance NSA2510 Course
Marked kriser og miljø ELE3742 Course
Markedsføring MRK3420 Course
Markedsføring og strategi MRK3580 Course
Markedsføringsledelse MRK3414 Course
Markedsføringsledelse og strategi BIK2420 Course
Markedsjus LUS1021 Course
Markedsorientert produktutvikling BIK2948 Course
Markedsrett og etikk JUR3631 Course
Markedsstrategi MAN5160 Course
Market Microstructure and Frictions DRE4028 Course
Marketing (2023/2024) GRA8277 Course
Marketing Analytics GRA4139 Course
Marketing Analytics MRK3561 Course
Marketing Analytics EBA3640 Course
Marketing and Strategy EXC3580 Course
Marketing and the Analysis of Experiments and Quasi-experiments GRA4158 Course
Marketing communication MRK3503 Course
Marketing for a Better World GRA6446 Course
Marketing Management MBA2429 Course
Marketing Models DRE2011 Course
Marketing Research GRA6437 Course
Markets and Innovation in a Digital Age GRA66AA Course
Maskinlæring og anvendelser i finansnæringen LUS1053 Course
Masteroppgave i regnskap og revisjon GRA1930 Course
Masteroppgave i regnskap og revisjon GRA1960 Course
Masteroppgave i regnskap og revisjon - studenter tatt opp 2009 og senere GRA1920 Course
Matematikk MET1180 Course
Matematikk for økonomer MET2910 Course
Matematikk valgfag ELE3719 Course
Matematisk analyse ELE3776 Course
Mathematics GRA6035 Course
Mathematics EXC2910 Course
Mathematics Ph.D. DRE7017 Course
Mathematics - Elective ELE3781 Course
Mathematics for Data Science EBA1180 Course
Media and Creative Industries Management GRA6146 Course
Merkevarestrategi BST3115 Course
Merverdiavgift I - grunnleggende emner og EU Mva MAN2922-2923 Course
Merverdiavgift II - utdypende emner MAN2969-2970 Course
Methodology for communication and digitalization research GRA6141 Course
Metode og markedsinnsikt MET2123 Course
Metode og statistisk dataanalyse MET3590 Course
Metodekurs for MSc in Business major Business Law Tax and Accounting GRA6278 Course
Microeconomics EXC3520 Course
Microeconomics GRA6031 Course
Microeconomics, Business Strategy and Management GRA4155 Course
Mikroøkonomi SOK3520 Course
Mikroøkonomi II SOK1344 Course
Mikroøkonomisk analyse - institusjoner, forhandlinger og kontrakter ELE3784 Course
Motivasjon og selvledelse BIK2955 Course
Motivasjon og stress ORG3410 Course
Motivational Science―Creating Work Motivation and Motivating Work Environments GRA2267 Course
Muliggjørende teknologier LUS1031 Course
Multikulturell ledelse MAN5197 Course
Multinational Corporate Finance GRA6544 Course
Multinational Financial Management MBA2423 Course
Multisensory experiences ELE3902 Course
Muntlig eksamen for eiendomsmeglerstudiet EMS3618 Course
Nasjonal lederutdanning for styrere i barnehager MAN5133 Course
Negotiating Mutually Beneficial Contracts GRA6296 Course
Negotiation and International Networks GRA3112 Course
Negotiation Mastery: Essential Strategies and Skills for International Negotiation GRA6842 Course
Nettbasert lederkurs for ledere i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester SMC103 Course
New Product Development and Service Innovation GRA6428 Course
New Venture Bootcamp GRA3162 Course
New Venture Creation GRA3136 Course
Norwegian Culture and History - An Introduction EXC2901 Course
Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics DRE4017 Course
Numerical Methods in Python with Applications GRA6670 Course
Object Oriented Programming with Python GRA4152 Course
Obligasjonsrett JUR3560 Course
Occupational Health Psychology GRA2231 Course
Omstilling for bærekraft BIK2950 Course
Operational Management MBA2396 Course
Operations 2 GRA6754 Course
Operations Management GRA8302 Course
Operations Management GRA8310 Course
Operations Management GRA6753 Course
Oppgjør av av eiendomshandler EMS3651 Course
Oppkjøp og fusjoner GRA6291 Course
Oppstart av bedrift i kreativ næring KLS3553 Course
Oppstart av bedrift II ENT3504 Course
Options and Futures FIN3621 Course
Organisasjonsatferd og ledelse ORG3403 Course
Organisasjonsatferd og ledelse ORG9403 Course
Organisasjonsteori ORG3600 Course
Organisasjonsteori og HRM ORG1211 Course
Organisation Science DRE6004 Course
Organisational Behavior and Entrepreneurial Leadership GRA3164 Course
Organisational Management and Control MBA2391 Course
Organisere for digital innovasjon LUS1045 Course
Organisering for det uventede MAN5126 Course
Organizational Behavior and Leadership EXC3460 Course
Organizing Digitally EDI3610 Course
Organizing the Shipowning Entity NSA2512 Course
Panel Data/ Microeconometrics DRE7006 Course
Pedagogisk ledelse og læringsmiljø i barnehagen MAN5167 Course
People analytics ORG3630 Course
People insights ORG3650 Course
Performance Management EXC3561 Course
Personal Development Programme GRAXXX7 Course
Personal- og arbeidsjus MAN5009 Course
Personalledelse BIK2003 Course
Personlig økonomi ELE3743 Course
Personlighet, individuelle forskjeller og seleksjon ORG3520 Course
Personvern og GDPR BIK3000 Course
Pitching, Persuasion and Communication Skills GRA3114 Course
Politisk økonomi MRK3544 Course
Port Management EXC3652 Course
Portfolio Management GRA6531 Course
PR-ledelse og strategisk kommunikasjon MAN5045 Course
Praksisplass for master i ledelse og organisasjonspsykologi GRA2206 Course
Praksisplass for master i strategisk markedsføringsledelse GRA6442 Course
Praktisk økonomi og virksomhetsstyring BOK3551 Course
Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning GRA4136 Course
Preliminary course in mathematics FORK22X4 Course
Preparatory course for MSc in Business FORK1003 Course
Preparatory Course in Elementary Statistics FORK1002 Course
Preparatory course in Mathematics MSc FORK1005 Course
Preparatory Course in Mathematics for Data Science FORK1014 Course
Prestasjoner i organisasjoner MAN5054 Course
Prestasjonsledelse BMP2700 Course
Prestasjonsledelse BIK2477 Course
Prestasjonsstyring BOK3561 Course
Pricing Strategies: Measuring Capturing and Retaining Value GRA6420 Course
Prising, finansiering og risikostyring av bærekraft LUSXX45 Course
Problemløsning, beslutninger og kreativitet ORG3530 Course
Programming and Data Management EDI3400 Course
Programming, data extraction and visualisation EBA3400 Course
Project and Change Management MBA2426 Course
Project Evaluation Financing and Risk Management GRA8517 Course
Project Management ELE3709 Course
Project Management GRA2416 Course
Prosjektledelse BMP2315 Course
Prosjektledelse BST2531 Course
Prosjektledelse MAN5027 Course
Prosjektledelse 1 BIK6600 Course
Prosjektledelse 2 BIK6601 Course
Prosjektledelse 3 BIK6510 Course
Prosjektlederskap, prosjektteam og smidighet BIK2432 Course
Prosjektstyring LUS1041 Course
Psychological Measurement and Individual Differences GRA2203 Course
Purchasing and supply management GRA6717 Course
Purpose-driven brand management EXC3678 Course
Python for Data Analysis - SUMMER COURSE GRA4151 Course
Påvirkning og makt i lederrollen MAN5039 Course
Quantitative and qualitative research methods DRE8000 Course
Quantitative Economics EBA3650 Course
Quantitative Methods for Finance GRA6515 Course
Quantitative Research Methods: Multivariate Statistics DRE1011 Course
Quantitative Risk and Asset Management GRA6551 Course
Real Estate Finance ELE3736 Course
Recruitment Training and Development GRA2235 Course
Regional Business Contexts: EU and Latin America GRA8284 Course
Regnskap, skatt og avgift GRA6282 Course
Regnskapsførerregelverket, regnskapsorganisering og forretningsforståelse BOK3629 Course
Regnskapsførerskikk og etikk JUR3624 Course
Regnskapsorganisasjon og IT BOK3628 Course
Rekruttering intervjuteknikker og nyansattes læringsprosesser BIK2908 Course
Relationship and Knowledge Management MBA2433 Course
Research Design and Methodological Choices DRE1012 Course
Research Ethics DRE7021 Course
Research Methodology - Economics GRA6652 Course
Research Methodology - Economics GRA6648 Course
Research Methodology - Marketing GRA6438 Course
Research Methodology for Entrepreneurship and Innovation GRA3167 Course
Research Methodology for Logistics, Operations, and Supply Chain Management GRA6721 Course
Research Methodology for Organisational Behaviour GRA2243 Course
Research Methodology for Strategy GRA6836 Course
Research Methodology in Finance GRA6547 Course
Research Methods and Econometrics EXC3506 Course
Research Methods for Master of Accounting and Auditing GRA6228 Course
Research on individual differences in organizations DRE6006 Course
Research on Leadership DRE6001 Course
Research Project for Business Analytics GRA4148 Course
Research Proposal Course GRA6439 Course
Research Seminar in Economics DRE7022 Course
Research seminar in Finance I DRE4026 Course
Research seminar in Finance II DRE4030 Course
Resource industries and markets: A Norwegian context ELE3923 Course
Responsible AI Leadership MAN5194 Course
Responsible Leadership GRA2239 Course
Restrukturering og konkurs GRA6289 Course
Retorikk kommunikasjon og ledelse BMP2500 Course
Rett, bedrift og samfunn JUR3405 Course
Rettslige rammebetingelser LUS1054 Course
Rettslige rammebetingelser SLMXX81 Course
Rettslære for regnskapsførere JUR3641 Course
Rettsøkonomi ELE3786 Course
Revisjon, videregående emner GRA6279 Course
Risk Management FAK2602 Course
Risk Management GRA6545 Course
Rådgivning og risiko LUS1056 Course
Salgsledelse og personlig salg BST3202 Course
Samfunnsøkonomi I SOK3420 Course
Samfunnsøkonomi I SOK9420 Course
Samfunnsøkonomi II ELE3782 Course
Samfunnsøkonomi II SOK3500 Course
Samspill i avanserte forhandlinger LUS1022 Course
Samspill og ledelse; anvendt organisasjonspsykologi MAN5069 Course
Selskapsrett GRA6218 Course
Selskapsrett 1GRA62OO Course
Selskapsrett og finans GRA6283 Course
Seminar in Marketing Strategy DRE2010 Course
Service Marketing GRA6419 Course
Shipping Finance EXC3651 Course
Shipping Management NSA2521 Course
Sikkerhetsledelse BMP2915 Course
Sikkerhetsledelse og konflikthåndtering MAN5121 Course
Sirkulær økonomi og konkurransekraft BIK3100 Course
Skatt og avgift JUR3601 Course
Skatt- og avgiftsrett, basis GRA6222 Course
Skatte- og avgiftsrett JUR3677 Course
Skatterett 1GRA62NN Course
Skatterett, fordypning GRA6208 Course
Social media and society ELE3905 Course
Sosiale medier og nettverk ELE3707 Course
Start-Up Development GRA3113 Course
Statistics EXC2904 Course
Statistics with Programming EBA2904 Course
Statistikk MET3431 Course
Statistikk MET1190 Course
Statistikk for økonomer MET2920 Course
Statsforfatningsrett og menneskerettigheter JUR3540 Course
Stochastic Calculus for Finance GRA6550 Course
Storytelling som taktisk verktøy MAN5190 Course
Strafferett - spesiell del 1GRA62RR Course
Strafferett og økonomisk kriminalitet ELE3704 Course
Strafferett – alminnelig del 1GRA62SS Course
Strategi STR3605 Course
Strategi I STR1301 Course
Strategi i praksis BIK2951 Course
Strategi II STR1320 Course
Strategic Asset Allocation GRA6560 Course
Strategic Communication Management GRA6142 Course
Strategic Insight from Machine Learning MBA2435 Course
Strategic Management GRA2411 Course
Strategic Management Accounting EXC2122 Course
Strategic Management for Business Control GRA6240 Course
Strategic Marketing Issues GRA6409 Course
Strategic Risk Analysis GRA6231 Course
Strategic Sustainable Innovation  ELE3919 Course
Strategic Technology and Innovation Management MBA2413 Course
Strategisk forretningsutvikling og innovasjon MAN5112 Course
Strategisk ledelse MAN5051 Course
Strategisk ledelse og organisering for samarbeid i helsetjenesten MAN5170 Course
Strategisk økonomistryring BOK3651 Course
Strategiske analyser LUS1044 Course
Strategy EXC3505 Course
Strategy and Entrepreneurship Analytics GRA3117 Course
Strategy Perspectives DRE3002 Course
Strategy Process GRA8246 Course
Structured Writing for Effective Communication ELE3907 Course
Styrekompetanse I BIK2940 Course
Styring, risikohåndtering og compliance GRA6293 Course
Succeeding with Sustainable Growth MBA2444 Course
Succeeding with Sustainable Growth (2021/2022) GRAXXX2 Course
Supply Chain Analytics GRA4141 Course
Supply Chain Management MRK3555 Course
Supply Chain Management GRA6714 Course
Supply Chain Management EXC3650 Course
Supply Chain Optimization with Mathematical Programming GRA4154 Course
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) in Project-Based Industries GRA6723 Course
Sustainability Reporting and Analysis GRA6299 Course
Sustainable finance ELE3914 Course
Sustainable Risk Management in Value Chains ELE3783 Course
Sustainable Strategy and Circular Economy GRA6849 Course
Teamledelse MAN5018 Course
Terrorisme og terrorbekjempelse MAN5127 Course
Text as Data GRA4164 Course
The Crowd, The Cloud, and Sustainable Innovation GRA3165 Course
The Digital Platform - Strategy, Structure and Content GRA3116 Course
The Fundamentals of B2B Marketing (2023/2024) GRA8531 Course
The Gas & Power Business GRA8519 Course
The Oil Fundamentals GRA8518 Course
The Practicing Strategist GRA6835 Course
The Science of Well-Being, Happiness, and Success ELE3922 Course
The State and the Market: Core Concepts in Political Economy GRA5916 Course
Theoretical Industrial Organization GRA6669 Course
Theories and Methods in Marketing Communication GRA6433 Course
Theorizing the Digital: Communication, Technology and Ethics DRE1020 Course
Tilstedeværende ledelse - i en digital tid MAN5157 Course
Time Series Econometrics DRE7002 Course
Topics in Asset Pricing DRE7015 Course
Topics in Auditing Research DRE3401 Course
Topics in Corporate Finance DRE7016 Course
Topics in Digital Marketing Topics in Digital Marketing GRA6443 Course
Topics in Empirical Microeconomics I DRE7050 Course
Topics in Empirical Microeconomics II DRE7051 Course
Topics in Financial Econometrics DRE4029 Course
Topics in Macroeconomics I DRE7040 Course
Topics in Macroeconomics II DRE7041 Course
Topics in Microeconomics I DRE7031 Course
Topics in Microeconomics II DRE7032 Course
Topics in Search Theory I DRE7044 Course
Topics in Search Theory II DRE7045 Course
Transaksjoner og omorganiseringer MAN2971-2972 Course
Treasury Management GRA6233 Course
Trender, kommunikasjon og merkevarebygging MAN5060 Course
Trends, Cycles, and Signal Extraction from a Macroeconomic Perspective GRA4159 Course
Truth, Facts and the Power of Company Histories GRA61CC Course
Tvisteløsning i sivile saker og straffeprosess 1GRA62QQ Course
Understanding Organizations and Leadership Through Advances in Computational Social Science GRA2271 Course
Understanding the Consumer: Current Limitations and Future Directions of Theory and Method GRA2418 Course
User-driven Marketing Innovations GRA6440 Course
Utdanningsledelse og strategisk utvikling MAN5200 Course
Value Added Analytics GRA4149 Course
Value Creation in Business Markets GRA8271 Course
Value Creation in the Global Energy Ecosystem (2022/2023) GRA8520 Course
Valutarisiko LUS1040 Course
Vekststrategi for oppstartsbedrifter ENT3503 Course
Verdibasert prising ELE3903 Course
Verdiskapende prosjektledelse BIK2431 Course
Verdiskapende rådgivning EMS3630 Course
Vesentlighetsanalyse LUS1055 Course
Visualisations and Network Theory GRA4143 Course
Vitenskapelig tenkning MET3460 Course
Web Applications Development ELE3921 Course
Work Design GRA2270 Course
Workplace Mistreatment and Conflict Resolution GRA2273 Course
Ytringsklima og ledelse MAN5189 Course
Å navigere i endring LUS1042 Course
Å skape mening rundt endring LUS1043 Course
Økonometri MET1333 Course
Økonomi for beslutningstakere MAN5003 Course
Økonomi og virksomhetsstyring BOK3541 Course
Økonomistyring for butikkledere BIN3110 Course
Økonomistyring og investeringsanalyse BST9502 Course
Økonomistyring og lønnsomhet LUS1019 Course

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