Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
(Big) Data Curation, Pipelines, and Management |
GRA4157 |
Course |
Accounting, Valuation and Financial Economics |
GRA4156 |
Course |
Advanced Corporate Finance |
GRA6541 |
Course |
Advanced Macroeconomics |
GRA6634 |
Course |
Advanced Macroeconomics I |
DRE7033 |
Course |
Advanced Macroeconomics II |
DRE7034 |
Course |
Advanced Microeconomics I |
DRE7047 |
Course |
Advanced Microeconomics II |
DRE7048 |
Course |
Advanced Regression and Classification Analysis, Ensemble Methods and Neural Networks |
GRA4160 |
Course |
Advanced Statistics |
DRE7008 |
Course |
Advanced Statistics and Alternative Data Types |
GRA4153 |
Course |
Advanced Topics in Asset Pricing |
DRE4031 |
Course |
Advanced Topics in Organization Science |
GRA6026 |
Course |
Advances in Asset Pricing Theory |
DRE4021 |
Course |
AI and Data Ethics |
EBA3520 |
Course |
AI for finansnæringen |
BIK2550 |
Course |
AI i markedsføring |
Course |
Alminnelig forvaltningsrett |
JUR3550 |
Course |
Analyses of Financial Data |
EXC3672 |
Course |
Analytics for Strategic Management |
MAN5100 |
Course |
Analyzing Social Structures Through Language |
Course |
Ansvar og risikostyring på bærekraftsfeltet |
Course |
Anvendt Makroøkonomi |
Course |
Anvendt Makroøkonomi |
BST1612 |
Course |
Anvendt mikroøkonomi |
ELE3729 |
Course |
Anvendt Mikroøkonomi |
ELE3787 |
Course |
Anvendt samfunnsøkonomi |
SOK3550 |
Course |
Anvendt økonomi for ledere - bærekraft i bedrift og marked |
MAN5158 |
Course |
Anvendt økonomi for ledere - Globale perspektiver |
MAN5159 |
Course |
Applied Business Ethics |
GRA6038 |
Course |
Applied Data Analytics |
GRA4110 |
Course |
Applied Marketing Analytics |
MAN5146 |
Course |
Applied Microeconomics |
GRA6612 |
Course |
Applied Organizational Psychology: The role as practitioner |
GRA2268 |
Course |
Applied storytelling |
ELE3906 |
Course |
Applied Valuation |
GRA6538 |
Course |
Applying Economic Analysis |
GRA4144 |
Course |
Arbeids- og personaljus |
ORG3620 |
Course |
Arbeidsglede i praksis |
Course |
Arbeidsglede og livskvalitet |
Course |
Arbeidsrett |
JUR3613 |
Course |
Arbeidsrett |
JUR3565 |
Course |
Arbeidsrett II |
BIK3406 |
Course |
Arbeidsrett: Lover og reguleringer |
BIK2930 |
Course |
Artificial Intelligence - Technologies and Applications |
GRA4150 |
Course |
Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms and Society |
GRA6811 |
Course |
Asian Business Trends Programme: Emerging windows of opportunity for post-COVID Asia |
MBA2407 |
Course |
Asset Management |
GRA6555 |
Course |
Asset Pricing Theory I |
DRE4024 |
Course |
Asset Pricing Theory II |
DRE4027 |
Course |
Auditing, theory and methodology |
GRA6219 |
Course |
Avfall som ressurs – nøkkelen til sirkulærøkonomi |
BIK3118 |
Course |
Avgiftsrett, fordypning |
GRA6207 |
Course |
Avsluttende oppgave. Executive Master of Management med spesialisering i skatte- og avgiftsrett |
MAN3072 |
Course |
Avtalerett og kjøpsrett |
JUR3470 |
Course |
B2B Marketing |
GRA6444 |
Course |
Bacheloroppgave - Digital kommunikasjon og markedsføring |
DIG3670 |
Course |
Bacheloroppgave - Entreprenørskap |
ENT3670 |
Course |
Bacheloroppgave - Markedsføring |
BTH3630 |
Course |
Bacheloroppgave - Økonomi og administrasjon |
BTH3620 |
Course |
Bacheloroppgave HØST 2025 |
ELE3788 |
Course |
Bacheloroppgave i kulturledelse |
KLS3685 |
Course |
Basic Financial Management |
EXC2110 |
Course |
Bedriftsmarkedsføring, salg og forhandlinger |
MRK3502 |
Course |
Bedriftsutvikling for SMB |
BST9742 |
Course |
Behavioural Finance |
FIN3617 |
Course |
Better Business for a Better World |
GRA6447 |
Course |
Blokkjedeteknologi og bedrifters verdiskapning |
ELE3920 |
Course |
Brand Management |
GRA4145 |
Course |
Branding |
MRK3464 |
Course |
Branding |
MRK3564 |
Course |
Business Analysis and Valuation |
GRA6235 |
Course |
Business and Systems Architecture |
EDI3510 |
Course |
Business Communication - Culture and Ethics |
EXC3401 |
Course |
Business Communication - Culture and Ethics |
EXC9401 |
Course |
Business Communication - Negotiations and Presentations |
EXC3402 |
Course |
Business Continuity and Sustainability Management |
EXC3679 |
Course |
Business Cycles |
GRA6639 |
Course |
Business Ethics in Practice |
GRA8311 |
Course |
Business in a Global Context |
GRA8272 |
Course |
Business intelligence med Power BI |
Course |
Business Optimisation |
GRA6227 |
Course |
Business Simulation Analysis |
GRA4138 |
Course |
Business Simulation and Global Governance |
MBA2427 |
Course |
Business Strategy |
MBA2430 |
Course |
Bærekraft i daglig drift |
BIK3134 |
Course |
Bærekraft i kreditt og utlån for bedriftsrådgivere |
BIK2479 |
Course |
Bærekraft i praksis |
MAN5193 |
Course |
Bærekraft og finans |
LUS1035 |
Course |
Bærekraft og kommunikasjon |
LUS1047 |
Course |
Bærekraftig finans |
BIK3120 |
Course |
Bærekraftig HRM og ledelse |
BST1410 |
Course |
Bærekraftig markedsføring |
MRK3512 |
Course |
Bærekraftig prosjektledelse i kreativ næring |
KLS3554 |
Course |
Bærekraftig risikostyring |
BIK3115 |
Course |
Bærekraftig utvikling og finans |
Course |
Bærekraftig økonomisk utvikling |
Course |
Bærekraftrett |
JUR3555 |
Course |
Bærekraftstrategi og forretningsutvikling |
LUS1046 |
Course |
Causal Inference with Big Data |
GRA6845 |
Course |
Causality, Machine learning and Forecasting |
EBA3530 |
Course |
CFA Research Challenge |
GRA6562 |
Course |
Change Management |
GRA2425 |
Course |
Cluster analysis for business |
ELE3909 |
Course |
Communicating Across Domains |
GRA6147 |
Course |
Communication in Action: Dialogue and Discourse |
EDI3410 |
Course |
Competitive Strategy |
GRA6829 |
Course |
Compliance, Cybersecurity and Accountability |
GRA6149 |
Course |
Compliance, jus og etikk for forsikringsnæringen |
FAK2805 |
Course |
Computational Methods |
GRA6561 |
Course |
Consultancy Project |
GRA8315 |
Course |
Consultancy Project |
MBA2449 |
Course |
Consultancy Project |
GRA8525 |
Course |
Consultancy Project for Business Analytics |
GRA4146 |
Course |
Consultancy Project for Data Science |
GRA4163 |
Course |
Consulting |
MAN5106 |
Course |
Consulting – Verktøy og teknikker |
Course |
Consumer Research |
DRE2007 |
Course |
Contemporary Topics in Organizational Behavior |
DRE6003 |
Course |
Core Issues in Research Ethics |
DRE6007 |
Course |
Corporate & Global Strategies |
GRA6833 |
Course |
Corporate and Financial Risk Management |
EXC3673 |
Course |
Corporate Branding and Storytelling |
GRA6143 |
Course |
Corporate Business Analytics |
MAN5163 |
Course |
Corporate Finance |
GRA8268 |
Course |
Corporate Finance |
EXC3671 |
Course |
Corporate Finance |
MBA2424 |
Course |
Corporate Finance |
GRA6514 |
Course |
Corporate Finance Theory |
DRE7009 |
Course |
Corporate Governance |
EXC3632 |
Course |
Corporate Governance |
GRA6542 |
Course |
Corporate Valuation |
GRA6220 |
Course |
Corporate Value Creation, Sustainability and Social Welfare |
GRA6568 |
Course |
Counselling |
GRA2237 |
Course |
Creating and Leading Green Organizations |
MBA2443 |
Course |
Creating and Leading Green Organizations |
GRA8285 |
Course |
Creating and Leading Green Organizations |
GRA8250 |
Course |
Creativity and aesthetics in organizations |
ELE3908 |
Course |
Credit Markets and Financial Crises |
GRA6546 |
Course |
Crisis Management and Logistics |
MAN5124 |
Course |
Cross Cultural Management |
MRK3550 |
Course |
Current Issues in Logistics Operations and SCM |
GRA6722 |
Course |
Current topics in Capital-Markets Research in Accounting |
DRE4018 |
Course |
Customer Experience Management |
BIK2954 |
Course |
Customer Value Analytics |
GRA6435 |
Course |
Data Analysis with Programming |
EBA3500 |
Course |
Data Analytics with Programming |
GRA6036 |
Course |
Data driven management accounting |
EBA3630 |
Course |
Data Management and Python Programming |
GRA4142 |
Course |
Data protection and ethics in the modern business environment |
GRA4137 |
Course |
Databases |
EBA3420 |
Course |
Datastrukturer og algoritmer |
Course |
Decision modelling using spreadsheet |
EBA3610 |
Course |
Decision Theory and System Dynamics |
GRA4135 |
Course |
Decison Making & Value Optimization |
GRA8522 |
Course |
Deep Learning and Explainable AI |
GRA4162 |
Course |
Derivatives |
GRA6535 |
Course |
Design av interaktive apper |
DIG3600 |
Course |
Design Thinking for Digital Development |
GRA8282 |
Course |
Design Thinking for Digital Development |
MBA2437 |
Course |
Det verdiskapende styret |
MAN5212 |
Course |
Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset |
GRA3161 |
Course |
Digital and Sustainable Business Development |
GRA6834 |
Course |
Digital Business Analysis |
EDI3600 |
Course |
Digital Business Law |
EDI3620 |
Course |
Digital Business Models |
GRA8280 |
Course |
Digital Business Models |
GRA8301 |
Course |
Digital Compliance |
BIK3130 |
Course |
Digital forretningsforståelse |
BIK2941 |
Course |
Digital innovasjon |
BIK2949 |
Course |
Digital Innovation |
EDI3530 |
Course |
Digital Innovation and Society - SUMMER COURSE |
GRA6850 |
Course |
Digital Innovation Management |
GRA6144 |
Course |
Digital kommunikasjonsledelse |
MAN5057 |
Course |
Digital ledelse og strategi |
BIK3053 |
Course |
Digital makt og avmakt |
DIG3520 |
Course |
Digital markedsføring |
BST3210 |
Course |
Digital Marketing |
EDI3520 |
Course |
Digital Marketing Management |
Course |
Digital research methods |
DRE1019 |
Course |
Digital sikkerhet for ledere |
MAN5166 |
Course |
Digital transformasjon og innovasjon |
DIG3400 |
Course |
Digital Value Creation |
EDI3430 |
Course |
Digital økonomi og forretningsmodeller |
LUS1032 |
Course |
Digital økonomistyring |
Course |
Digitale verktøy og finansiell analyse |
FIN3400 |
Course |
Digitale verktøy og teknologier i markedsføring |
MRK3430 |
Course |
Digitalisering og teknologi i kreativ næring |
KLS3501 |
Course |
Digitalisering, innovasjon og forretningsmodeller |
MAN5024 |
Course |
Distribusjon |
MRK3521 |
Course |
Distribution and Logistics Service Providers |
GRA6718 |
Course |
Doing Business in and with China |
GRA6853 |
Course |
Doing Business in Norway |
GRA6812 |
Course |
Doing Digital Business |
GRA6843 |
Course |
Doing qualitative research: Perspectives, traditions and craft |
DRE1010 |
Course |
Doing Sustainable Business |
STR3610 |
Course |
Dynamic Marketing Models |
DRE2012 |
Course |
Dynamisk tingsrett |
JURX032A |
Course |
E-handel |
DIG3630 |
Course |
Econometrics with Programming |
GRA6039 |
Course |
Economic Psychology |
GRA2245 |
Course |
Economic theory |
GRA6626 |
Course |
Economics 1 |
EXC3420 |
Course |
Economics 2 |
EXC3500 |
Course |
Economics for Finance |
GRA6516 |
Course |
Economics of Auditing |
GRA6242 |
Course |
Economics of Natural Resources: Focus on Petroleum, Electricity, and Seafood in Norway |
GRA6671 |
Course |
Effektiv og bærekraftig prosjektpraksis |
BIK2433 |
Course |
Effektive team - Innflytelse gjennom ledelse |
BIK2926 |
Course |
Eiendomsmegling I |
EMS3525 |
Course |
Eiendomsmegling I |
EMS3528 |
Course |
Eiendomsmegling II |
EMS3666 |
Course |
Eiendomsmegling III |
EMS3623 |
Course |
Eiendomsutvikling |
EMS3670 |
Course |
Empirical Accounting Research |
DRE3402 |
Course |
Empirical Asset Pricing |
DRE4011 |
Course |
Empirical Industrial Organization |
GRA6668 |
Course |
Enda et testkurs |
Course |
Endringsledelse |
MAN5006 |
Course |
Endringsledelse team og coaching |
ORG2800 |
Course |
Endringsledelse i praksis |
BIK2960 |
Course |
Energy & Society |
GRA8521 |
Course |
Energy Governance, Law, Policy & Regulations |
GRA8528 |
Course |
Energy in Green Transition: Markets, Policies and Business Innovation |
GRA6851 |
Course |
Energy Transition in a Carbon Constrained World |
GRA8506 |
Course |
Entertainment industries |
KLS3570 |
Course |
Entrepreneurship & Energy (2023/2024) |
GRA8524 |
Course |
Entrepreneurship and Green Business Innovations |
MBA2440 |
Course |
Entrepreneurship and Green Business Innovations |
GRA8287 |
Course |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Perspectives |
DRE3008 |
Course |
Entrepreneurship in action |
ENT3679 |
Course |
Entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley and Beyond |
MBA2415 |
Course |
Environmental Economics |
GRA6665 |
Course |
Erstatningsrett og forsikringsrett |
JUR3425 |
Course |
ESG and Sustainability Disclosure, Reporting and Regulation |
GRA6566 |
Course |
Ethics and Sustainability in Finance |
GRA6556 |
Course |
Ethics, governance and responsibility for Auditors |
GRA6229 |
Course |
Etikk og regulering i AI |
LUS1052 |
Course |
Etikk, samfunnsansvar og bærekraft |
ORG3510 |
Course |
EU and EEA Law in Practice |
1GRA62MM |
Course |
EU and Latin American Business Trends |
MBA2408 |
Course |
EU/EØS-rett |
JUR3545 |
Course |
Excel Programming and Automation |
ELE3915 |
Course |
Experimental Economics I |
DRE7042 |
Course |
Experimental Economics II |
DRE7043 |
Course |
Fast eiendoms rettsforhold |
JUR3435 |
Course |
Fiansregnskap og regnskapsanalyse |
BOK3532 |
Course |
Financial Accounting |
GRA8222 |
Course |
Financial Accounting |
MBA2425 |
Course |
Financial Accounting and Analysis |
GRA6239 |
Course |
Financial Accounting Theory |
GRA6211 |
Course |
Financial bubbles crashes and crises |
ELE3732 |
Course |
Financial Decision making with Excel |
FIN3616 |
Course |
Financial Econometrics |
FIN3618 |
Course |
Financial Investment Analysis |
FIN3523 |
Course |
Financial Management |
GRA6025 |
Course |
Financial Markets |
FIN3522 |
Course |
Financial Markets and Institutions |
EXC3670 |
Course |
Financial Reporting and Analysis |
EXC3452 |
Course |
Financial Reporting II |
GRA6297 |
Course |
Financial Reporting with IFRS |
GRA6238 |
Course |
Financial Reporting, Advanced |
GRA6221 |
Course |
Financial Reporting, general issues |
GRA6226 |
Course |
Financial Risk Management |
GRA6513 |
Course |
Financial Risk Management for ESG, Sustainability and Climate |
GRA6571 |
Course |
Financial Risk Management for the Energy Sector |
LUS1013 |
Course |
Financial Statement Analysis |
FIN3516 |
Course |
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation |
GRA6298 |
Course |
Financial Technology |
Course |
Financial technology |
EBA3600 |
Course |
Financing Entrepreneurial and Corporate Ventures |
GRA3163 |
Course |
Finans |
BOK3423 |
Course |
Finans I |
BOK1121 |
Course |
Finans II |
BOK1322 |
Course |
Finansiell analyse og verdsettelse |
ELE3750 |
Course |
Finansiell og politisk risiko i internasjonal handel |
GRA6284 |
Course |
Finansiell strategi |
MAN5000 |
Course |
Finansiell styring |
BOK3632 |
Course |
Finansiering av bedrifter |
FIN3521 |
Course |
Finansiering, pant og garantier |
GRA6290 |
Course |
Finansregnskap |
ELE3735 |
Course |
Finansregnskap |
BOK3647 |
Course |
Finansregnskap og bokføring |
BOK3657 |
Course |
Fintech |
GRA6559 |
Course |
Fintech, muliggjørende teknologier og endring |
BIK1030 |
Course |
Fintech, muliggjørende teknologier og endring |
SMC1030 |
Course |
Fixed Income Securities |
GRA6539 |
Course |
Forbrukeren, kunden og merkevaren |
LUS1057 |
Course |
Forbrukerinnsikt |
ELE3901 |
Course |
Forbrukerpsykologi |
MRK3481 |
Course |
Forecasts & Future of The Energy Sector - Impact on Business & Management |
GRA8516 |
Course |
Forhandling og forhandlingsteknikk |
BIK1401 |
Course |
Forhandlinger i praksis |
BIN2405 |
Course |
Forkurs i grunnleggende bokføring og finansregnskap |
FORK1008 |
Course |
Forkurs i matematikk |
FORK2910 |
Course |
Forretningsjus |
JUR3420 |
Course |
Forretningsmodeller og ESG-Risiko |
LUS1036 |
Course |
Forretningsutvikling I |
ENT3501 |
Course |
Forretningsutvikling og teknologi |
BST1140 |
Course |
Forsikringsmeglerrollen – liv, pensjon og skade |
FAK2639 |
Course |
Forsikringsmeglerrollen – marin og energi, reassuranse og rammebetingelser |
FAK2638 |
Course |
Foundations in Strategy,Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
DRE3004 |
Course |
Foundations of Data Science |
EBA3501 |
Course |
Foundations of Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship |
GRA3151 |
Course |
Foundations of Strategy for Digital Communication |
GRA6150 |
Course |
Frontiers of Household Finance |
DRE4022 |
Course |
Fundamentals of Accounting |
EXC3430 |
Course |
Fundamentals of Quantitative Finance |
GRA6518 |
Course |
Game Theory |
GRA6664 |
Course |
Generative AI for Business |
MAN5244 |
Course |
Generative Models |
DRE7053 |
Course |
Geopolitisk risikohåndtering |
LUS1048 |
Course |
Global Business in Asia: A Focus on China |
GRA8248 |
Course |
Global Business in Asia: A Focus on China |
GRA8286 |
Course |
Global Strategic Management |
GRA6852 |
Course |
Global Strategy & Sustainable Business |
MAN5153 |
Course |
Global Sustainability Issues and Finance |
GRA6567 |
Course |
Global Sustainability: Climate, Environment and Poverty |
ELE3910 |
Course |
Governance of Complex Energy Projects |
GRA8508 |
Course |
Governance; Risikostyring, compliance og internrevisjon |
MAN5015 |
Course |
Groups and Teams: Dynamics and Effectiveness |
GRA2427 |
Course |
Grunnleggende bedriftsøkonomi |
BIK2911 |
Course |
Grunnleggende teknologiforståelse |
LUS1051 |
Course |
Grunnstudiet - Ferdigheter i helseledelse |
BMP2410 |
Course |
Gruppepsykologi |
ORG3500 |
Course |
Grønn Vekst og konkurransekraft |
MAN5075 |
Course |
Helse, miljø og sikkerhet (HMS) |
MAN5066 |
Course |
Helseledelse |
MAN5118 |
Course |
Helseledelse, kvalitet og utvikling |
BMP2424 |
Course |
Horisont – Topplederprogram i Veidekke |
LUS1006 |
Course |
Household Finance |
DRE4025 |
Course |
HR-ledelse |
ORG3540 |
Course |
Human Resource Management |
MAN5109 |
Course |
Human Resource Management |
MBA2434 |
Course |
Human Resource Management |
BMP2303 |
Course |
Human Resource Management |
GRA8320 |
Course |
Human Resource Management |
DRE6002 |
Course |
Human Resource Management |
GRA2257 |
Course |
Human Resource Management |
BIK2964 |
Course |
Human-Computer Interaction |
GRA6145 |
Course |
Human-Human Interaction |
GRA6140 |
Course |
Incentives, Wages and Labor Markets |
GRA6650 |
Course |
Industrial Economics |
GRA1305 |
Course |
Inequality and Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Policies: A Tractable Heterogeneous-Agent New Keynesian Approach |
DRE7052 |
Course |
Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi |
BOK3430 |
Course |
Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi og finans |
BOK9430 |
Course |
Innføring i bedriftsøkonomi og finans |
BIK2414 |
Course |
Innføring i forsikringsjuridiske fag |
FAK2628 |
Course |
Innføring i informatikk 1 |
Course |
Innføring i kontraktsrett |
JUR3410 |
Course |
Innføring i mikroøkonomisk analyse for rettsøkonomi |
FORK1007 |
Course |
Innføring i selskapsrett og skatterett |
JUR3440 |
Course |
Innovasjon |
MRK3634 |
Course |
Innovasjon og organisering i helsetjenesten |
BMP2900 |
Course |
Innovasjonstrener i digital innovasjon |
BIK2540 |
Course |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
GRA8243 |
Course |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
MBA2442 |
Course |
Innovation Strategy and Technological Change |
Course |
Innovation Strategy and Technological Change |
ELE3763 |
Course |
Internasjonal skatterett |
MAN2920-2921 |
Course |
Internasjonalt entreprenørskap |
ENT3604 |
Course |
International Business |
MBA2400 |
Course |
International Business |
BST2413 |
Course |
International Business Environment |
EXC3631 |
Course |
International Commercial Law |
EXC2121 |
Course |
International Commercial Transactions |
Course |
International Corporate Finance |
GRA6292 |
Course |
International Economics |
EXC3603 |
Course |
International Entrepreneurship |
GRA3115 |
Course |
International Finance |
DRE4023 |
Course |
International Finance |
EXC3611 |
Course |
International Finance |
GRA6552 |
Course |
International Financial Management |
FIN3524 |
Course |
International Macroeconomics and Trade |
GRA6672 |
Course |
International Maritime Law |
NSA2511 |
Course |
International Maritime Law |
Course |
International Marketing |
EXC3602 |
Course |
International Tax Law |
Course |
Internprising |
MAN3038-3039 |
Course |
Internrevisjon |
GRA6230 |
Course |
Internship |
ELE3637 |
Course |
Internship for Business Analytics |
GRA4147 |
Course |
Internship for Master i forretningsjus og økonomi |
GRA6287 |
Course |
Internship i egen oppstartsbedrift |
ELE3667 |
Course |
Interorganizational Relationships |
DRE2009 |
Course |
Interorganizational Strategies |
GRA6832 |
Course |
Intra/Entrepreneurship and New Wealth Creation |
MBA2446 |
Course |
Introduction to Bayesian Econometrics |
DRE7030 |
Course |
Introduction to Computer Science 2 |
Course |
Introduction to Econometric Theory |
ELE3916 |
Course |
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour |
FORK1013 |
Course |
Introduction to quantitative finance |
ELE3911 |
Course |
Introduction to Stocastic Processes |
ELE3917 |
Course |
Introductory Data Science |
GRA6445 |
Course |
Introductory Multivariate Data Analysis |
GRA2265 |
Course |
Introduksjon til digital transformasjon for finansnæringen |
LUS1030 |
Course |
Introduksjon til entreprenørskap |
ENT3400 |
Course |
Investment Analysis |
EXC3612 |
Course |
Investments |
GRA6534 |
Course |
Judgment and Decision Making in Organizations |
GRA2204 |
Course |
Juridisk metode |
JUR3400 |
Course |
Juridisk metode og EØS-rett |
JUR3480 |
Course |
Juridisk metode og kontraktsrett |
JUR3516 |
Course |
Juridisk metode og rettsøkonomi |
GRA6281 |
Course |
Juridisk metode, internasjonalisering og etikk |
1GRA62LL |
Course |
Jus for eiendomsmeglere I |
EMS3521 |
Course |
Jus for eiendomsmeglere II |
EMS3524 |
Course |
Jus for eiendomsmeglere III |
EMS3642 |
Course |
Jus for kreative næringer |
KLS3644 |
Course |
Jus for revisorer |
GRA6209 |
Course |
Jus II |
JUR3517 |
Course |
Jus III |
JUR3608 |
Course |
Jus og eiendomsmegling |
EMS3416 |
Course |
Juss for ledere |
MAN5186 |
Course |
Kapitalisme – fortid, nåtid og fremtid |
Course |
Kapitalmarkedsfinansiering |
GRA6285 |
Course |
Kommersielle kontrakter |
1GRA62PP |
Course |
Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner |
ORG3641 |
Course |
Kommunikasjon i sanntid |
DIG3500 |
Course |
Kommunikasjon i sanntid |
DIG3503 |
Course |
Kommunikasjon og digitalisering |
DIG3423 |
Course |
Kommunikasjon og påvirkning |
Course |
Konkurranseøkonomi og konkurranseloven |
ELE3785 |
Course |
Kontraktsrett |
GRA6295 |
Course |
Kreativ næring i reiseliv og stedsutvikling |
KLS3510 |
Course |
Kreativ næring og livebransjene |
KLS3401 |
Course |
Kreative kompetanser |
Course |
Kritisk analyse og effektiv skriving |
ELE3918 |
Course |
Kulturforståelse, forhandlinger og etisk refleksjon |
MAN5125 |
Course |
Kulturøkonomi |
KLS3410 |
Course |
Kunden og merkevaren |
LUS1018 |
Course |
Kunst og designbransjene |
KLS3561 |
Course |
Kvalitativ metode |
Course |
Labour Law and Labour Economics |
GRA6294 |
Course |
Language Processing as Organizational Cognition |
GRA2272 |
Course |
Leadership |
GRA8326 |
Course |
Leadership analytics of the energy sector for the future |
GRA8515 |
Course |
Leadership Development |
MBA2399 |
Course |
Leadership in Action - avsluttende Bachelorprogram i ledelse |
ORG2000 |
Course |
Leading and Organizing Digitally |
MBA2441 |
Course |
Leading and Organizing Digitally |
GRA8283 |
Course |
Leading and Organizing Digitally |
GRA8256 |
Course |
Leading in Digitized Workplaces |
MAN5147 |
Course |
Leading In Organizations Using Intelligent Decision Support Systems |
GRA2269 |
Course |
Leading Through the Energy Transition: Coopetition and Value Co-Creation |
LUS1049 |
Course |
Lecture series on Oil Markets and the Macro Economy |
DRE7011 |
Course |
Ledelse av digital transformasjon |
LUS1033 |
Course |
Ledelse av læring og endring I |
MAN5206 |
Course |
Ledelse av læring og endring II |
MAN5240 |
Course |
Ledelse av tjenesteutvikling |
MAN5203 |
Course |
Ledelse av utvikling og endringsarbeid |
MAN5180 |
Course |
Ledelse i kreativ næring |
Course |
Ledelse i teori og praksis |
BIK2945 |
Course |
Ledelse og digitalisering |
MAN5177 |
Course |
Ledelse og innflytelse |
ORG3610 |
Course |
Ledelse og lederutvikling |
LUS1023 |
Course |
Ledelse og styring av kunderelasjoner |
Course |
Ledelse og verdivurdering i oppstartsbedrifter |
ENT3610 |
Course |
Ledelse under konstant endring |
BIK2958 |
Course |
Ledelse; makt og mening |
MAN5021 |
Course |
Lederkurs for allmennleger |
SMC1001 |
Course |
Lederkurs for tannleger i offentlig og privat sektor |
SMC1002 |
Course |
Lederskap i komplekse og uforutsigbare kontekster |
MAN5211 |
Course |
Lederskap og omstilling i skolen |
MAN5148 |
Course |
Lederskap og omstilling i skolen |
BIN3164 |
Course |
Ledertrening personlig utvikling og coaching |
ELE3745 |
Course |
Lederutdanning for pedagogiske ledere i barnehager |
BIN3080 |
Course |
Legal competitions and practical advocacy |
Course |
Legal Tech |
GRA6288 |
Course |
Logistikk |
MAD1214 |
Course |
Logistikk og Markedsføring |
BIK2902 |
Course |
Logistikkledelse - Supply Chain Management |
BST1703 |
Course |
Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling |
DRE7049 |
Course |
Low Code Software Development |
EDI3500 |
Course |
Luxury Brand Management |
MBA2438 |
Course |
Machine Learning |
GRA8273 |
Course |
Machine learning for business using R |
ELE3912 |
Course |
Macroeconomic Policy |
GRA6631 |
Course |
Macroeconomics |
EXC3525 |
Course |
Makroøkonomi for økonomer |
SOK3525 |
Course |
Makroøkonomi I |
SOK1201 |
Course |
Makroøkonomi II |
SOK1366 |
Course |
Makroøkonomi og økonomisk anvendelse |
Course |
MAN 5183 Ledelse av profesjonsfellesskap og læreplanarbeid |
MAN5183 |
Course |
MAN xx10 Bærekraftsrett – klassifisering, rapportering og handling |
MAN5210 |
Course |
Management Accounting |
GRA8295 |
Course |
Management Control |
GRA6232 |
Course |
Management Control, Performance, and Technology |
GRA6243 |
Course |
Managerial Economics |
GRA8323 |
Course |
Managerial Economics and Decision Making |
MBA2436 |
Course |
Managing for Excellence - Generative Practices |
GRA2261 |
Course |
Managing International Operations |
EXC3630 |
Course |
Managing Knowledge Work Creativity and Innovation |
GRA2207 |
Course |
Managing Strategic Processes |
GRA6831 |
Course |
Managing Workplace Diversity |
GRA2246 |
Course |
Marine Insurance |
NSA2510 |
Course |
Marked kriser og miljø |
ELE3742 |
Course |
Markedsføring |
MRK3420 |
Course |
Markedsføring og strategi |
MRK3580 |
Course |
Markedsføringsledelse |
MRK3414 |
Course |
Markedsføringsledelse og strategi |
BIK2420 |
Course |
Markedsjus |
LUS1021 |
Course |
Markedsorientert produktutvikling |
BIK2948 |
Course |
Markedsrett og etikk |
JUR3631 |
Course |
Markedsrett og immaterialrett |
JURX033A |
Course |
Markedsstrategi |
MAN5160 |
Course |
Market Microstructure and Frictions |
DRE4028 |
Course |
Marketing (2023/2024) |
GRA8277 |
Course |
Marketing Analytics |
GRA4139 |
Course |
Marketing Analytics |
EBA3640 |
Course |
Marketing Analytics |
MRK3561 |
Course |
Marketing and Strategy |
EXC3580 |
Course |
Marketing and the Analysis of Experiments and Quasi-experiments |
GRA4158 |
Course |
Marketing communication |
MRK3503 |
Course |
Marketing for a Better World |
GRA6446 |
Course |
Marketing Management |
MBA2429 |
Course |
Marketing Models |
DRE2011 |
Course |
Marketing Research |
GRA6437 |
Course |
Markets and Innovation in a Digital Age |
Course |
Maskinlæring og anvendelser i finansnæringen |
LUS1053 |
Course |
Masteroppgave i regnskap og revisjon |
GRA1960 |
Course |
Masteroppgave i regnskap og revisjon |
GRA1930 |
Course |
Masteroppgave i regnskap og revisjon - studenter tatt opp 2009 og senere |
GRA1920 |
Course |
Matematikk |
MET1180 |
Course |
Matematikk for økonomer |
MET2910 |
Course |
Matematikk valgfag |
ELE3719 |
Course |
Matematisk analyse |
ELE3776 |
Course |
Mathematics |
GRA6035 |
Course |
Mathematics |
EXC2910 |
Course |
Mathematics Ph.D. |
DRE7017 |
Course |
Mathematics - Elective |
ELE3781 |
Course |
Mathematics for Data Science |
EBA1180 |
Course |
Media and Creative Industries Management |
GRA6146 |
Course |
Merkevarestrategi |
BST3115 |
Course |
Merverdiavgift I - grunnleggende emner og EU Mva |
MAN2922-2923 |
Course |
Merverdiavgift II - utdypende emner |
MAN2969-2970 |
Course |
Methodology for communication and digitalization research |
GRA6141 |
Course |
Metode og markedsinnsikt |
MET2123 |
Course |
Metode og statistisk dataanalyse |
MET3590 |
Course |
Metodekurs for MSc in Business major Business Law Tax and Accounting |
GRA6278 |
Course |
Microeconomics |
GRA6031 |
Course |
Microeconomics |
EXC3520 |
Course |
Microeconomics, Business Strategy and Management |
GRA4155 |
Course |
Mikroøkonomi |
SOK3520 |
Course |
Mikroøkonomi II |
SOK1344 |
Course |
Mikroøkonomisk analyse - institusjoner, forhandlinger og kontrakter |
ELE3784 |
Course |
Motivasjon og selvledelse |
BIK2955 |
Course |
Motivasjon og stress |
ORG3410 |
Course |
Motivational Science―Creating Work Motivation and Motivating Work Environments |
GRA2267 |
Course |
Muliggjørende teknologier |
LUS1031 |
Course |
Multikulturell ledelse |
MAN5197 |
Course |
Multinational Corporate Finance |
GRA6544 |
Course |
Multinational Financial Management |
MBA2423 |
Course |
Multisensory experiences |
ELE3902 |
Course |
Muntlig eksamen for eiendomsmeglerstudiet |
EMS3618 |
Course |
Nasjonal lederutdanning for styrere i barnehager |
MAN5133 |
Course |
Negotiating Mutually Beneficial Contracts |
GRA6296 |
Course |
Negotiation and International Networks |
GRA3112 |
Course |
Negotiation Mastery: Essential Strategies and Skills for International Negotiation |
GRA6842 |
Course |
Negotiation, Leadership, and International Aspects of the Green Transition |
Course |
New Product Development and Service Innovation |
GRA6428 |
Course |
New Venture Bootcamp |
GRA3162 |
Course |
New Venture Creation |
GRA3136 |
Course |
Norwegian Culture and History - An Introduction |
EXC2901 |
Course |
Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics |
DRE4017 |
Course |
Numerical Methods in Python with Applications |
GRA6670 |
Course |
Object Oriented Programming with Python |
GRA4152 |
Course |
Obligasjonsrett |
JUR3560 |
Course |
Occupational Health Psychology |
GRA2231 |
Course |
OIL - Ocean Industry Leadership |
Course |
Omstilling for bærekraft |
BIK2950 |
Course |
Operational Management |
MBA2396 |
Course |
Operations 2 |
GRA6754 |
Course |
Operations and Supply Chain Management |
Course |
Operations Management |
GRA8302 |
Course |
Operations Management |
GRA8310 |
Course |
Operations Management |
GRA6753 |
Course |
Oppgjør av av eiendomshandler |
EMS3651 |
Course |
Opphavsrett i KIs tidsalder |
Course |
Oppkjøp og fusjoner |
GRA6291 |
Course |
Oppstart av bedrift i kreativ næring |
KLS3553 |
Course |
Oppstart av bedrift II |
ENT3504 |
Course |
Options and Futures |
FIN3621 |
Course |
Organisasjonsatferd og ledelse |
ORG9403 |
Course |
Organisasjonsatferd og ledelse |
ORG3403 |
Course |
Organisasjonsteori |
ORG3600 |
Course |
Organisasjonsteori og HRM |
ORG1211 |
Course |
Organisasjonsteori og HRM |
Course |
Organisation Science |
DRE6004 |
Course |
Organisational Behavior and Entrepreneurial Leadership |
GRA3164 |
Course |
Organisational Management and Control |
MBA2391 |
Course |
Organisere for digital innovasjon |
LUS1045 |
Course |
Organisering for det uventede |
MAN5126 |
Course |
Organizational Behavior and Leadership |
EXC3460 |
Course |
Organizing Digitally |
EDI3610 |
Course |
Organizing the Shipowning Entity |
NSA2512 |
Course |
Panel Data/ Microeconometrics |
DRE7006 |
Course |
Panterett, rekonstruksjon og konkurs |
JURX031A |
Course |
Pedagogisk ledelse og læringsmiljø i barnehagen |
MAN5167 |
Course |
People analytics |
ORG3630 |
Course |
People insights |
ORG3650 |
Course |
Performance Management |
EXC3561 |
Course |
Personal Development Programme |
Course |
Personal- og arbeidsjus |
MAN5009 |
Course |
Personalledelse |
BIK2003 |
Course |
Personlig økonomi |
ELE3743 |
Course |
Personlighet, individuelle forskjeller og seleksjon |
ORG3520 |
Course |
Personvern og GDPR |
BIK3000 |
Course |
Perspectives on Social Interaction and Communication |
Course |
Pitching, Persuasion and Communication Skills |
GRA3114 |
Course |
Politisk økonomi |
MRK3544 |
Course |
Port Management |
EXC3652 |
Course |
Portfolio Management |
GRA6531 |
Course |
PR-ledelse og strategisk kommunikasjon |
MAN5045 |
Course |
Praksisplass for master i ledelse og organisasjonspsykologi |
GRA2206 |
Course |
Praksisplass for master i strategisk markedsføringsledelse |
GRA6442 |
Course |
Praktisk HR og ledelse |
Course |
Praktisk økonomi og virksomhetsstyring |
BOK3551 |
Course |
Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning |
GRA4136 |
Course |
Preliminary course in mathematics |
FORK22X4 |
Course |
Preparatory course for MSc in Business |
FORK1003 |
Course |
Preparatory Course in Elementary Statistics |
FORK1002 |
Course |
Preparatory course in Mathematics MSc |
FORK1005 |
Course |
Preparatory Course in Mathematics for Data Science |
FORK1014 |
Course |
Prestasjoner i organisasjoner |
MAN5054 |
Course |
Prestasjonsledelse |
BIK2477 |
Course |
Prestasjonsledelse |
BMP2700 |
Course |
Prestasjonsstyring |
BOK3561 |
Course |
Pricing Strategies: Measuring Capturing and Retaining Value |
GRA6420 |
Course |
Prising, finansiering og risikostyring av bærekraft |
Course |
Problemløsning, beslutninger og kreativitet |
ORG3530 |
Course |
Programming and Data Management |
EDI3400 |
Course |
Programming, data extraction and visualisation |
EBA3400 |
Course |
Project and Change Management |
MBA2426 |
Course |
Project Evaluation Financing and Risk Management |
GRA8517 |
Course |
Project Management |
ELE3709 |
Course |
Project Management |
GRA2416 |
Course |
Prosjektledelse |
BST2531 |
Course |
Prosjektledelse |
BMP2315 |
Course |
Prosjektledelse |
MAN5027 |
Course |
Prosjektledelse 1 |
BIK6600 |
Course |
Prosjektledelse 2 |
BIK6601 |
Course |
Prosjektledelse 3 |
BIK6510 |
Course |
Prosjektlederskap, prosjektteam og smidighet |
BIK2432 |
Course |
Prosjektstyring |
LUS1041 |
Course |
Psychological Measurement and Individual Differences |
GRA2203 |
Course |
Purchasing and supply management |
GRA6717 |
Course |
Purpose-driven brand management |
EXC3678 |
Course |
Python for Data Analysis - SUMMER COURSE |
GRA4151 |
Course |
Påvirkning og makt i lederrollen |
MAN5039 |
Course |
Quantitative and qualitative research methods |
DRE8000 |
Course |
Quantitative Economics |
EBA3650 |
Course |
Quantitative Methods for Finance |
GRA6515 |
Course |
Quantitative Research Methods: Multivariate Statistics |
DRE1011 |
Course |
Quantitative Risk and Asset Management |
GRA6551 |
Course |
Real Estate Finance |
ELE3736 |
Course |
Recruitment Training and Development |
GRA2235 |
Course |
Regional Business Contexts: EU and Latin America |
GRA8284 |
Course |
Regnskap, skatt og avgift |
GRA6282 |
Course |
Regnskapsførerregelverket, regnskapsorganisering og forretningsforståelse |
BOK3629 |
Course |
Regnskapsførerskikk og etikk |
JUR3624 |
Course |
Regnskapsorganisasjon og IT |
BOK3628 |
Course |
Rekruttering intervjuteknikker og nyansattes læringsprosesser |
BIK2908 |
Course |
Relationship and Knowledge Management |
MBA2433 |
Course |
Research Design and Methodological Choices |
DRE1012 |
Course |
Research Ethics |
DRE7021 |
Course |
Research Methodology - Economics |
GRA6652 |
Course |
Research Methodology - Economics |
GRA6648 |
Course |
Research Methodology - Marketing |
GRA6438 |
Course |
Research Methodology for Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
GRA3167 |
Course |
Research Methodology for Logistics, Operations, and Supply Chain Management |
GRA6721 |
Course |
Research Methodology for Organisational Behaviour |
GRA2243 |
Course |
Research Methodology for Strategy |
GRA6836 |
Course |
Research Methodology in Finance |
GRA6547 |
Course |
Research Methods and Econometrics |
EXC3506 |
Course |
Research Methods for Master of Accounting and Auditing |
GRA6228 |
Course |
Research on individual differences in organizations |
DRE6006 |
Course |
Research on Leadership |
DRE6001 |
Course |
Research Project for Business Analytics |
GRA4148 |
Course |
Research Proposal Course |
GRA6439 |
Course |
Research Seminar in Economics |
DRE7022 |
Course |
Research seminar in Finance I |
DRE4026 |
Course |
Research seminar in Finance II |
DRE4030 |
Course |
Resource industries and markets: A Norwegian context |
ELE3923 |
Course |
Responsible AI Leadership |
MAN5194 |
Course |
Responsible Leadership |
GRA2239 |
Course |
Restrukturering og konkurs |
GRA6289 |
Course |
Retorikk kommunikasjon og ledelse |
BMP2500 |
Course |
Rett, bedrift og samfunn |
JUR3405 |
Course |
Rettslige rammebetingelser |
Course |
Rettslige rammebetingelser |
LUS1054 |
Course |
Rettslære for regnskapsførere |
JUR3641 |
Course |
Rettsteori |
Course |
Rettsøkonomi |
ELE3786 |
Course |
Revisjon, videregående emner |
GRA6279 |
Course |
Risk Management |
FAK2602 |
Course |
Risk Management |
GRA6545 |
Course |
Rådgivning og risiko |
LUS1056 |
Course |
Salgsledelse og personlig salg |
BST3202 |
Course |
Samfunnsøkonomi I |
SOK3420 |
Course |
Samfunnsøkonomi I |
SOK9420 |
Course |
Samfunnsøkonomi II |
ELE3782 |
Course |
Samfunnsøkonomi II |
SOK3500 |
Course |
Samspill i avanserte forhandlinger |
LUS1022 |
Course |
Samspill og ledelse; anvendt organisasjonspsykologi |
MAN5069 |
Course |
Samtidsinnsikt – forstå tiden du lever i |
Course |
Selskapsrett |
1GRA62OO |
Course |
Selskapsrett |
GRA6218 |
Course |
Selskapsrett og finans |
GRA6283 |
Course |
Seminar in Marketing Strategy |
DRE2010 |
Course |
Service Marketing |
GRA6419 |
Course |
Shipping Finance |
EXC3651 |
Course |
Shipping Management |
NSA2521 |
Course |
Sikkerhetsledelse |
BMP2915 |
Course |
Sikkerhetsledelse og konflikthåndtering |
MAN5121 |
Course |
Sirkulær økonomi og konkurransekraft |
BIK3100 |
Course |
Skatt og avgift |
JUR3601 |
Course |
Skatt- og avgiftsrett, basis |
GRA6222 |
Course |
Skatte- og avgiftsrett |
JUR3677 |
Course |
Skatterett |
1GRA62NN |
Course |
Skatterett, fordypning |
GRA6208 |
Course |
Social media and society |
ELE3905 |
Course |
Sosiale medier og nettverk |
ELE3707 |
Course |
Start-Up Development |
GRA3113 |
Course |
Statistics |
EXC2904 |
Course |
Statistics with Programming |
EBA2904 |
Course |
Statistikk |
MET1190 |
Course |
Statistikk |
MET3431 |
Course |
Statistikk for økonomer |
MET2920 |
Course |
Statsforfatningsrett og menneskerettigheter |
JUR3540 |
Course |
Stochastic Calculus for Finance |
GRA6550 |
Course |
Storytelling som taktisk verktøy |
MAN5190 |
Course |
Strafferett - spesiell del |
1GRA62RR |
Course |
Strafferett og økonomisk kriminalitet |
ELE3704 |
Course |
Strafferett – alminnelig del |
1GRA62SS |
Course |
Strategi |
STR3605 |
Course |
Strategi I |
STR1301 |
Course |
Strategi i praksis |
BIK2951 |
Course |
Strategi II |
STR1320 |
Course |
Strategic Asset Allocation |
GRA6560 |
Course |
Strategic Communication Management |
GRA6142 |
Course |
Strategic Insight from Machine Learning |
MBA2435 |
Course |
Strategic Management |
GRA2411 |
Course |
Strategic Management |
Course |
Strategic Management Accounting |
EXC2122 |
Course |
Strategic Management for Business Control |
GRA6240 |
Course |
Strategic Marketing Issues |
GRA6409 |
Course |
Strategic Risk Analysis |
GRA6231 |
Course |
Strategic Sustainable Innovation |
ELE3919 |
Course |
Strategic Technology and Innovation Management |
MBA2413 |
Course |
Strategisk forretningsutvikling og innovasjon |
MAN5112 |
Course |
Strategisk historiefortelling |
Course |
Strategisk ledelse |
MAN5051 |
Course |
Strategisk ledelse og organisering for samarbeid i helsetjenesten |
MAN5170 |
Course |
Strategisk økonomistryring |
BOK3651 |
Course |
Strategiske analyser |
LUS1044 |
Course |
Strategy |
EXC3505 |
Course |
Strategy and Entrepreneurship Analytics |
GRA3117 |
Course |
Strategy Perspectives |
DRE3002 |
Course |
Strategy Process |
GRA8246 |
Course |
Structured Writing for Effective Communication |
Course |
Structured Writing for Effective Communication |
ELE3907 |
Course |
Styrekompetanse I |
BIK2940 |
Course |
Styring, risikohåndtering og compliance |
GRA6293 |
Course |
Succeeding with Sustainable Growth |
MBA2444 |
Course |
Succeeding with Sustainable Growth (2021/2022) |
GRA8331 |
Course |
Supply Chain Analytics |
GRA4141 |
Course |
Supply Chain Management |
MRK3555 |
Course |
Supply Chain Management |
GRA6714 |
Course |
Supply Chain Management |
EXC3650 |
Course |
Supply Chain Optimization with Mathematical Programming |
GRA4154 |
Course |
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) in Project-Based Industries |
GRA6723 |
Course |
Sustainability Reporting and Analysis |
GRA6299 |
Course |
Sustainable finance |
ELE3914 |
Course |
Sustainable Risk Management in Value Chains |
ELE3783 |
Course |
Sustainable Strategy and Circular Economy |
GRA6849 |
Course |
Talis -testkurs |
Course |
Teamledelse |
MAN5018 |
Course |
Terrorisme og terrorbekjempelse |
MAN5127 |
Course |
teskurs yngve |
Course |
Testkurs for publisering |
Course |
Testkurs Force refresh |
Course |
TestkursTalis |
Course |
Text as Data |
GRA4164 |
Course |
The Crowd, The Cloud, and Sustainable Innovation |
GRA3165 |
Course |
The Digital Platform - Strategy, Structure and Content |
GRA3116 |
Course |
The Fundamentals of B2B Marketing (2023/2024) |
GRA8531 |
Course |
The Gas & Power Business |
GRA8519 |
Course |
The Oil Fundamentals |
GRA8518 |
Course |
The Practicing Strategist |
GRA6835 |
Course |
The Science of Well-Being, Happiness, and Success |
ELE3922 |
Course |
The State and the Market: Core Concepts in Political Economy |
GRA5916 |
Course |
Theoretical Industrial Organization |
GRA6669 |
Course |
Theories and Methods in Marketing Communication |
GRA6433 |
Course |
Theorizing the Digital: Communication, Technology and Ethics |
DRE1020 |
Course |
Tilstedeværende ledelse - i en digital tid |
MAN5157 |
Course |
Time Series Econometrics |
DRE7002 |
Course |
Topics in Asset Pricing |
DRE7015 |
Course |
Topics in Auditing Research |
DRE3401 |
Course |
Topics in Corporate Finance |
DRE7016 |
Course |
Topics in Digital Marketing Topics in Digital Marketing |
GRA6443 |
Course |
Topics in Empirical Microeconomics I |
DRE7050 |
Course |
Topics in Empirical Microeconomics II |
DRE7051 |
Course |
Topics in Financial Econometrics |
DRE4029 |
Course |
Topics in Macroeconomics I |
DRE7040 |
Course |
Topics in Macroeconomics II |
DRE7041 |
Course |
Topics in Microeconomics I |
DRE7031 |
Course |
Topics in Microeconomics II |
DRE7032 |
Course |
Topics in Search Theory I |
DRE7044 |
Course |
Topics in Search Theory II |
DRE7045 |
Course |
Transaksjoner og omorganiseringer |
MAN2971-2972 |
Course |
Transaksjonscase |
JURX034A |
Course |
Treasury Management |
GRA6233 |
Course |
Trender, kommunikasjon og merkevarebygging |
MAN5060 |
Course |
Trends, Cycles, and Signal Extraction from a Macroeconomic Perspective |
GRA4159 |
Course |
Truth, Facts and the Power of Company Histories |
Course |
Tvisteløsning i sivile saker og straffeprosess |
1GRA62QQ |
Course |
Understanding Organizations and Leadership Through Advances in Computational Social Science |
GRA2271 |
Course |
Understanding the Consumer: Current Limitations and Future Directions of Theory and Method |
GRA2418 |
Course |
User-driven Marketing Innovations |
GRA6440 |
Course |
Utdanningsledelse og strategisk utvikling |
MAN5200 |
Course |
Value Added Analytics |
GRA4149 |
Course |
Value Creation in Business Markets |
GRA8271 |
Course |
Value Creation in the Global Energy Ecosystem (2022/2023) |
GRA8520 |
Course |
Valutarisiko |
LUS1040 |
Course |
Vekststrategi for oppstartsbedrifter |
ENT3503 |
Course |
Verdibasert prising |
ELE3903 |
Course |
Verdiskapende prosjektledelse |
BIK2431 |
Course |
Verdiskapende rådgivning |
EMS3630 |
Course |
Vesentlighetsanalyse |
LUS1055 |
Course |
Visualisations and Network Theory |
GRA4143 |
Course |
Vitenskapelig tenkning |
MET3460 |
Course |
Web Applications Development |
ELE3921 |
Course |
Work Design |
GRA2270 |
Course |
Workplace Mistreatment and Conflict Resolution |
GRA2273 |
Course |
Ytringsklima og ledelse |
MAN5189 |
Course |
Å navigere i endring |
LUS1042 |
Course |
Å skape mening rundt endring |
LUS1043 |
Course |
Økonometri |
MET1333 |
Course |
Økonomi for beslutningstakere |
MAN5003 |
Course |
Økonomi og Geopolitikk i Energiomstillingen |
Course |
Økonomi og virksomhetsstyring |
BOK3541 |
Course |
Økonomistyring for butikkledere |
BIN3110 |
Course |
Økonomistyring og investeringsanalyse |
BST9502 |
Course |
Økonomistyring og lønnsomhet |
LUS1019 |
Course |